We've analysed more than 1000 companies mainly in the region of Emerging Europe. We specialise in the banking sector but you can find companies from pretty much all the 30 different sectors we cover. As well as the company's financials, we collect and present any interesting statistics we find in company presentations or annual reports. For each company, we prepare a simple report ('Company at a Glance'), a statistical dossier ('Company in Numbers') and plenty of charts to help you visualise its business.
Select a sector, and/or a country to see which companies we cover:
- All Sectors (1053)
- Agriculture (1)
- Automotive (52)
- Banking (367)
- Chemicals (12)
- Construction (23)
- Consumer Finance (39)
- Economy (0)
- Energy & Utility (39)
- Food & Drink (56)
- Insurance (5)
- Investments & Pensions (8)
- Manufacturing (163)
- Media & Entertainment (16)
- Metals & Mining (13)
- Military & Defense (15)
- Oil & Gas (13)
- Paper, Pulp & Forestry (20)
- Pharmaceutical (16)
- Real Estate (4)
- Retail & Wholesale (74)
- Sport & Games (5)
- Telcos & Hi-Tech (70)
- Tobacco (3)
- Transport (25)
- Travel & Hospitality (14)
- All Countries (1053)
- Australia (1)
- Austria (61)
- Belgium (2)
- Brazil (1)
- Bulgaria (28)
- China (39)
- Croatia (33)
- Czechia (443)
- Denmark (4)
- Finland (2)
- France (10)
- Georgia (1)
- Germany (21)
- Greece (4)
- Hong Kong (1)
- Hungary (18)
- India (40)
- Indonesia (19)
- Israel (2)
- Italy (22)
- Japan (11)
- Kazakhstan (5)
- Malta (1)
- Netherlands (3)
- Norway (3)
- Philippines (13)
- Poland (46)
- Portugal (1)
- Romania (13)
- Russia (20)
- Serbia (18)
- Slovakia (23)
- Slovenia (18)
- South Korea (5)
- Spain (2)
- Sweden (13)
- Switzerland (6)
- Turkey (22)
- United Kingdom (15)
- USA (48)
- Vietnam (15)