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Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 0.506% to USD 3.73 bil in Macedonia in 2021 News Macedonia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 4.50% to USD 173 bil in Czechia in 2021 News Czechia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 25.5% to USD 0.703 bil in Seychelles in 2021 News Seychelles Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 7.17% to USD 1.98 bil in Montenegro in 2021 News Montenegro Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 5.97% to USD 1.48 bil in Laos in 2021 News Laos Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 70.9% to USD 2.38 bil in Tajikistan in 2021 News Tajikistan Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 6.71% to USD 17.3 bil in Cambodia in 2021 News Cambodia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 17.7% to USD 5.47 bil in Albania in 2021 News Albania Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 9.09% to USD 9.30 bil in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2021 News Bosnia and Herzegovina Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 23.9% to USD 128 bil in United Arab Emirates in 2021 News United Arab Emirates Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 15.3% to USD 109 bil in Vietnam in 2021 News Vietnam Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 0.506% to USD 3.73 bil in Macedonia in 2021 News Macedonia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 18.2% to USD 0.806 bil in Maldives in 2021 News Maldives Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 4.50% to USD 173 bil in Czechia in 2021 News Czechia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 8.70% to USD 153 bil in Poland in 2021 News Poland Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 12.1% to USD 0.329 bil in Comoros in 2021 News Comoros Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 25.5% to USD 0.703 bil in Seychelles in 2021 News Seychelles Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 5.97% to USD 1.48 bil in Laos in 2021 News Laos Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 14.3% to USD 0.588 bil in Djibouti in 2021 News Djibouti Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 6.71% to USD 17.3 bil in Cambodia in 2021 News Cambodia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 1.04% to USD 497 bil in Hong Kong in 2021 News Hong Kong Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 17.7% to USD 5.47 bil in Albania in 2021 News Albania Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 4.02% to USD 36.8 bil in Bulgaria in 2021 News Bulgaria Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 23.9% to USD 128 bil in United Arab Emirates in 2021 News United Arab Emirates Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 21.7% to USD 28.3 bil in Croatia in 2021 News Croatia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 18.2% to USD 0.806 bil in Maldives in 2021 News Maldives Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 8.70% to USD 153 bil in Poland in 2021 News Poland Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 5.81% to USD 3.81 bil in Mongolia in 2021 News Mongolia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 12.1% to USD 0.329 bil in Comoros in 2021 News Comoros Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 3.14% to USD 3.90 bil in Moldova in 2021 News Moldova Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 14.3% to USD 0.588 bil in Djibouti in 2021 News Djibouti Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 1.04% to USD 497 bil in Hong Kong in 2021 News Hong Kong Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 4.02% to USD 36.8 bil in Bulgaria in 2021 News Bulgaria Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 3.65% to USD 38.9 bil in Qatar in 2021 News Qatar Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 21.7% to USD 28.3 bil in Croatia in 2021 News Croatia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 5.81% to USD 3.81 bil in Mongolia in 2021 News Mongolia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 17.9% to USD 2.33 bil in Madagascar in 2021 News Madagascar Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 3.14% to USD 3.90 bil in Moldova in 2021 News Moldova Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 3.65% to USD 38.9 bil in Qatar in 2021 News Qatar Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 4.92% to USD 1.89 bil in Rwanda in 2021 News Rwanda Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 14.4% to USD 9.49 bil in Kenya in 2021 News Kenya Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 17.9% to USD 2.33 bil in Madagascar in 2021 News Madagascar Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 40.4% to USD 1.52 bil in Fiji in 2021 News Fiji Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 4.39% to USD 17.0 bil in Uruguay in 2021 News Uruguay Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 4.92% to USD 1.89 bil in Rwanda in 2021 News Rwanda Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 2.82% to USD 1,049 bil in Switzerland in 2021 News Switzerland Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 14.4% to USD 9.49 bil in Kenya in 2021 News Kenya Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 18.0% to USD 75.7 bil in Spain in 2021 News Spain Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 40.4% to USD 1.52 bil in Fiji in 2021 News Fiji Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 17.0% to USD 9.19 bil in Nepal in 2021 News Nepal Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 4.39% to USD 17.0 bil in Uruguay in 2021 News Uruguay Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 14.9% to USD 416 bil in Singapore in 2021 News Singapore Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 2.82% to USD 1,049 bil in Switzerland in 2021 News Switzerland Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 18.0% to USD 75.7 bil in Spain in 2021 News Spain Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 0.964% to USD 99.5 bil in Philippines in 2021 News Philippines Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 17.0% to USD 9.19 bil in Nepal in 2021 News Nepal Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 5.49% to USD 9.18 bil in Paraguay in 2021 News Paraguay Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 14.9% to USD 416 bil in Singapore in 2021 News Singapore Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 12.0% to USD 84.3 bil in Norway in 2021 News Norway Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 26.0% to USD 4.05 bil in Nicaragua in 2021 News Nicaragua Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 0.964% to USD 99.5 bil in Philippines in 2021 News Philippines Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 27.9% to USD 9.41 bil in Ghana in 2021 News Ghana Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 5.49% to USD 9.18 bil in Paraguay in 2021 News Paraguay Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 12.0% to USD 84.3 bil in Norway in 2021 News Norway Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 4.70% to USD 201 bil in Mexico in 2021 News Mexico Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 26.0% to USD 4.05 bil in Nicaragua in 2021 News Nicaragua Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 27.9% to USD 9.41 bil in Ghana in 2021 News Ghana Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 8.24% to USD 594 bil in India in 2021 News India Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 10.5% to USD 6.96 bil in Iceland in 2021 News Iceland Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 19.9% to USD 7.83 bil in Mauritius in 2021 News Mauritius Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 4.70% to USD 201 bil in Mexico in 2021 News Mexico Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 6.68% to USD 44.9 bil in Kuwait in 2021 News Kuwait Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 0.890% to USD 1,356 bil in Japan in 2021 News Japan Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 8.24% to USD 594 bil in India in 2021 News India Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 10.5% to USD 6.96 bil in Iceland in 2021 News Iceland Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 36.3% to USD 84.0 bil in Italy in 2021 News Italy Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 19.9% to USD 7.83 bil in Mauritius in 2021 News Mauritius Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 6.99% to USD 140 bil in Indonesia in 2021 News Indonesia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 6.68% to USD 44.9 bil in Kuwait in 2021 News Kuwait Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 0.863% to USD 34.4 bil in Morocco in 2021 News Morocco Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 0.890% to USD 1,356 bil in Japan in 2021 News Japan Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 33.6% to USD 102 bil in France in 2021 News France Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 36.3% to USD 84.0 bil in Italy in 2021 News Italy Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 6.99% to USD 140 bil in Indonesia in 2021 News Indonesia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 0.863% to USD 57.7 bil in Colombia in 2021 News Colombia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 0.863% to USD 34.4 bil in Morocco in 2021 News Morocco Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 46.7% to USD 28.6 bil in Belgium in 2021 News Belgium Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 0.883% to USD 355 bil in Brazil in 2021 News Brazil Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 33.6% to USD 102 bil in France in 2021 News France Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 17.9% to USD 107 bil in Canada in 2021 News Canada Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) fell 0.863% to USD 57.7 bil in Colombia in 2021 News Colombia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 46.7% to USD 28.6 bil in Belgium in 2021 News Belgium Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 0.883% to USD 355 bil in Brazil in 2021 News Brazil Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Excluding Gold (USD) rose 17.9% to USD 107 bil in Canada in 2021 News Canada Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Including Gold (Months of Imports) rose 56.4% to 10.0 months in Gambia in 2021 News Gambia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Including Gold (Months of Imports) rose 22.6% to 6.86 months in Fiji in 2021 News Fiji Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Including Gold (Months of Imports) rose 56.4% to 10.0 months in Gambia in 2021 News Gambia Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Foreign Exchange Reserves, Including Gold (Months of Imports) rose 22.6% to 6.86 months in Fiji in 2021 News Fiji Economy 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Unemployment, Youth Total (As % of Total Labour Force Ages 15-24) rose 1.46% to 23.0% in Mauritania in 2021 News Mauritania Labour 113%
Feb 1, 2023 Unemployment, Youth Total (As % of Total Labour Force Ages 15-24) fell 7.50% to 34.1% in Macedonia in 2021 News Macedonia Labour 113%