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Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 2.92% to 1.72 mil in Botswana in 2021 News Botswana Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 4.23% to 22.9 mil in Angola in 2021 News Angola Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 1.88% to 8.34 mil in Bolivia in 2021 News Bolivia Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 0.444% to 1.77 mil in Albania in 2021 News Albania Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 0.112% to 7.46 mil in Belarus in 2021 News Belarus Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 5.70% to 1.72 mil in Burundi in 2021 News Burundi Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 1.19% to 5.76 mil in Azerbaijan in 2021 News Azerbaijan Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 3.60% to 15.8 mil in Cameroon in 2021 News Cameroon Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 3.18% to 4.18 mil in Cambodia in 2021 News Cambodia Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 4.23% to 22.9 mil in Angola in 2021 News Angola Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 0.444% to 1.77 mil in Albania in 2021 News Albania Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 5.70% to 1.72 mil in Burundi in 2021 News Burundi Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 2.92% to 1.72 mil in Botswana in 2021 News Botswana Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 3.60% to 15.8 mil in Cameroon in 2021 News Cameroon Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 3.18% to 4.18 mil in Cambodia in 2021 News Cambodia Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 2.73% to 0.335 mil in Bhutan in 2021 News Bhutan Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 1.88% to 8.34 mil in Bolivia in 2021 News Bolivia Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 2.88% to 1.57 mil in Bahrain in 2021 News Bahrain Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 2.92% to 1.72 mil in Botswana in 2021 News Botswana Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 1.19% to 5.76 mil in Azerbaijan in 2021 News Azerbaijan Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 2.73% to 0.335 mil in Bhutan in 2021 News Bhutan Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 0.864% to 5.28 mil in Austria in 2021 News Austria Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 1.88% to 8.34 mil in Bolivia in 2021 News Bolivia Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 2.88% to 1.57 mil in Bahrain in 2021 News Bahrain Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 0.444% to 1.77 mil in Albania in 2021 News Albania Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 1.19% to 5.76 mil in Azerbaijan in 2021 News Azerbaijan Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 4.97% to 6.72 mil in Burkina Faso in 2021 News Burkina Faso Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 0.864% to 5.28 mil in Austria in 2021 News Austria Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 1.32% to 0.347 mil in Brunei in 2021 News Brunei Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 0.444% to 1.77 mil in Albania in 2021 News Albania Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 4.97% to 6.72 mil in Burkina Faso in 2021 News Burkina Faso Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 1.32% to 0.347 mil in Brunei in 2021 News Brunei Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 0.957% to 187 mil in Brazil in 2021 News Brazil Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 2.73% to 0.335 mil in Bhutan in 2021 News Bhutan Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 0.957% to 187 mil in Brazil in 2021 News Brazil Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 2.73% to 0.335 mil in Bhutan in 2021 News Bhutan Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 1.19% to 5.76 mil in Azerbaijan in 2021 News Azerbaijan Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 1.19% to 5.76 mil in Azerbaijan in 2021 News Azerbaijan Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 0.320% to 22.2 mil in Australia in 2021 News Australia Society
Jan 2, 2023 Urban Population rose 0.320% to 22.2 mil in Australia in 2021 News Australia Society
Jan 2, 2023 Girls to Boys In Primary and Secondary Education rose 0% to 106% in Burundi in 2021 News Burundi Education
Jan 2, 2023 Girls to Boys In Primary and Secondary Education rose 0% to 106% in Burundi in 2021 News Burundi Education
Jan 2, 2023 Which Country Has the Most Girls to Boys at School? Chart Hungary Education
Jan 2, 2023 Which Country Has the Most Girls to Boys at School? Chart Hungary Education
Jan 2, 2023 Girls to Boys In Primary and Secondary Education rose 0% to 106% in Burundi in 2021 News Burundi Education
Jan 2, 2023 Girls to Boys In Primary and Secondary Education rose 0% to 106% in Burundi in 2021 News Burundi Education
Jan 2, 2023 Which Country Has the Most Girls to Boys at School? Chart Hungary Education
Jan 2, 2023 Girls to Boys In Primary and Secondary Education rose 0% to 106% in Burundi in 2021 News Burundi Education
Jan 2, 2023 Which Country Has the Most Girls to Boys at School? Chart Hungary Education
Jan 2, 2023 Which Country Has the Most Girls to Boys at School? Chart Hungary Education
Jan 2, 2023 Which Country Has the Most Girls to Boys at School? Chart Hungary Education
Jan 2, 2023 Girls to Boys In Primary and Secondary Education rose 0% to 106% in Burundi in 2021 News Burundi Education
Jan 2, 2023 Which Country Has the Most Girls to Boys at School? Chart Hungary Education
Jan 2, 2023 Which Country Has the Most Girls to Boys at School? Chart Hungary Education
Jan 2, 2023 Which Country Enrolls the Most Girls to Boys at the Primary Level? Chart Sweden Education
Jan 2, 2023 Which Country Enrolls the Most Girls to Boys at the Primary Level? Chart Sweden Education
Jan 2, 2023 Which Country Enrolls the Most Girls to Boys at the Primary Level? Chart Sweden Education
Jan 2, 2023 Which Country Enrolls the Most Girls to Boys at the Primary Level? Chart Sweden Education
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 10.1% to USD 305 bil in Ethiopia in 2021 News Ethiopia Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 16.8% to USD 216 bil in Dominican Republic in 2021 News Dominican Republic Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 7.09% to USD 26.0 bil in Chad in 2021 News Chad Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 8.07% to USD 109 bil in Cameroon in 2021 News Cameroon Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 10.1% to USD 305 bil in Ethiopia in 2021 News Ethiopia Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 16.8% to USD 216 bil in Dominican Republic in 2021 News Dominican Republic Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 18.0% to USD 41.4 bil in Moldova in 2021 News Moldova Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 7.09% to USD 26.0 bil in Chad in 2021 News Chad Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 8.07% to USD 109 bil in Cameroon in 2021 News Cameroon Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 15.0% to USD 59.5 bil in El Salvador in 2021 News El Salvador Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 7.12% to USD 35.5 bil in Cyprus in 2021 News Cyprus Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 5.59% to USD 2.90 bil in Comoros in 2021 News Comoros Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 11.6% to USD 39.9 bil in Botswana in 2021 News Botswana Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 13.1% to USD 2.67 bil in Belize in 2021 News Belize Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 11.0% to USD 46.7 bil in Benin in 2021 News Benin Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 9.12% to USD 4,669 bil in Russia in 2021 News Russia Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 9.02% to USD 666 bil in Romania in 2021 News Romania Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 8.41% to USD 3,328 bil in Brazil in 2021 News Brazil Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 18.0% to USD 41.4 bil in Moldova in 2021 News Moldova Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 15.0% to USD 59.5 bil in El Salvador in 2021 News El Salvador Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 7.12% to USD 35.5 bil in Cyprus in 2021 News Cyprus Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 5.59% to USD 2.90 bil in Comoros in 2021 News Comoros Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 11.6% to USD 39.9 bil in Botswana in 2021 News Botswana Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 13.1% to USD 2.67 bil in Belize in 2021 News Belize Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 11.0% to USD 46.7 bil in Benin in 2021 News Benin Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 9.12% to USD 4,669 bil in Russia in 2021 News Russia Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 9.02% to USD 666 bil in Romania in 2021 News Romania Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 8.41% to USD 3,328 bil in Brazil in 2021 News Brazil Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 15.5% to USD 1,060 bil in Argentina in 2021 News Argentina Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 9.60% to USD 145,956 bil in the World in 2021 News World Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 7.74% to USD 524 bil in Algeria in 2021 News Algeria Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 15.5% to USD 1,060 bil in Argentina in 2021 News Argentina Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 9.60% to USD 145,956 bil in the World in 2021 News World Economy
Jan 2, 2023 GNI, PPP (Current USD) rose 7.74% to USD 524 bil in Algeria in 2021 News Algeria Economy
Dec 12, 2022 Bank Net Profit (Local Currency) rose 59.1% to TRY 93,052 mil in Turkey in 2021 News Turkey Banking
Dec 12, 2022 Bank Net Profit (Local Currency) rose 48.2% to CZK 70,344 mil in Czechia in 2021 News Czechia Banking
Dec 12, 2022 Bank Net Profit (Local Currency) rose 59.1% to TRY 93,052 mil in Turkey in 2021 News Turkey Banking
Dec 12, 2022 Bank Net Profit (Local Currency) rose 48.2% to CZK 70,344 mil in Czechia in 2021 News Czechia Banking
Dec 12, 2022 Mortgage Loans (Local Currency) rose 11.1% to CZK 1,595 bil in Czechia in 2021 News Czechia Banking
Dec 12, 2022 Bank Deposits (Local Currency) rose 6.59% to CZK 5,502 bil in Czechia in 2021 News Czechia Banking
Dec 12, 2022 Mortgage Loans (Local Currency) rose 11.1% to CZK 1,595 bil in Czechia in 2021 News Czechia Banking
Dec 12, 2022 Bank Assets (Local Currency) rose 14.3% to EUR 105 bil in Slovakia in 2021 News Slovakia Banking