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Odea Bank

Odea Bank's npls (as % of loans) rose 94.4% to 17.6% in 2017

By Helgi Library - June 25, 2018

Odea Bank's non-performing loans reached 17.6% of total loans at the end of 2017, up from 9.07% compared to the previous year. ...

Odea Bank's npls (as % of loans) rose 94.4% to 17.6% in 2017

By Helgi Library - June 25, 2018

Odea Bank's non-performing loans reached 17.6% of total loans at the end of 2017, up from 9.07% compared to the previous year. ...

Odea Bank's net profit rose 69.5% to TRY 310 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - June 25, 2018

Odea Bank made a net profit of TRY 310 mil in 2017, up 69.5% compared to the previous year. This implies a return on equity of 8...

Profit Statement 2015 2016 2017
Net Interest Income TRY mil 878 1,052 1,316
Net Fee Income TRY mil 88.7 96.2 151
Other Income TRY mil -189 179 -21.4
Total Revenues TRY mil 778 1,327 1,445
Staff Cost TRY mil 226 259 297
Operating Profit TRY mil 299 727 731
Provisions TRY mil 233 485 342
Net Profit TRY mil 45.2 183 310
Balance Sheet 2015 2016 2017
Interbank Loans TRY mil 4,097 4,531 3,030
Customer Loans TRY mil 21,807 26,448 22,632
Total Assets TRY mil 32,083 38,278 33,104
Shareholders' Equity TRY mil 1,347 3,443 3,758
Interbank Borrowing TRY mil 156 232 0
Customer Deposits TRY mil 25,334 29,254 23,910
Issued Debt Securities TRY mil 1,465 528 1,175
Ratios 2015 2016 2017
ROE % 3.37 7.64 8.62
ROA % 0.157 0.520 0.870
Costs (As % Of Assets) % 1.66 1.71 2.00
Costs (As % Of Income) % 61.6 45.2 49.4
Capital Adequacy Ratio % 12.2 15.0 20.3
Net Interest Margin % 3.04 2.99 3.69
Loans (As % Of Deposits) % 86.1 90.4 94.7
NPLs (As % Of Loans) % 6.46 9.07 17.6
Provisions (As % Of NPLs) % 38.6 43.8 41.4
Growth Rates 2015 2016 2017
Total Revenue Growth % 36.8 70.6 8.91
Operating Cost Growth % 22.7 25.3 19.0
Operating Profit Growth % 67.5 143 0.559
Net Profit Growth % 13,415 305 69.5
Customer Loan Growth % 21.1 21.3 -14.4
Total Asset Growth % 25.2 19.3 -13.5
Customer Deposit Growth % 20.3 15.5 -18.3
Shareholders' Equity Growth % 0.739 156 9.14
Employees 1,538 1,681 1,800

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summary Unit 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
income statement            
Net Interest Income TRY mil 32.0 124 559 878    
Total Revenues TRY mil 62.6 170 569 778    
Operating Profit TRY mil -1.26 -63.4 178 299    
Net Profit TRY mil -19.8 -123 0.335 45.2    
balance sheet            
Interbank Loans TRY mil 389 1,160 3,248 4,097    
Customer Loans TRY mil 1,732 11,345 18,012 21,807    
Debt Securities TRY mil 1,023 1,518 1,166 1,486    
Total Assets TRY mil 3,634 16,110 25,622 32,083    
Shareholders' Equity TRY mil 514 1,331 1,337 1,347    
Interbank Borrowing TRY mil 0 223 139 156    
Customer Deposits TRY mil 2,517 12,372 21,061 25,334    
Issued Debt Securities TRY mil 725 2,580 1,190 1,465    
ROE % -3.86 -13.3 0.025 3.37    
ROA % -0.545 -1.24 0.002 0.157    
Costs (As % Of Assets) % 1.76 2.36 1.87 1.66    
Costs (As % Of Income) % 102 137 68.6 61.6    
Capital Adequacy Ratio % 36.4 15.6 13.7 12.2    
Net Interest Margin % 0.881 1.25 2.68 3.04    
Interest Income (As % Of Revenues) % 51.2 72.8 98.3 113    
Fee Income (As % Of Revenues) % 8.54 3.75 7.18 11.4    
Staff Cost (As % Of Total Cost) % 43.5 35.9 36.5 47.3    
Equity (As % Of Assets) % 14.1 8.26 5.22 4.20    
Loans (As % Of Deposits) % 68.8 91.7 85.5 86.1    
Loans (As % Assets) % 47.7 70.4 70.3 68.0    
NPLs (As % Of Loans) % 0 0.875 3.41 6.46    
Provisions (As % Of NPLs) % ... 19.0 40.7 38.6    
Book Value Per Share Growth % ... 287 352 57.0    
income statement Unit 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
income statement            
Interest Income TRY mil 44.7 603 1,579 2,115    
Interest Cost TRY mil 12.7 479 1,020 1,237    
Net Interest Income TRY mil 32.0 124 559 878    
Net Fee Income TRY mil 5.35 6.37 40.8 88.7    
Other Income TRY mil 25.2 39.9 -31.3 -189    
Total Revenues TRY mil 62.6 170 569 778    
Staff Cost TRY mil 27.8 83.7 142 226    
Operating Cost TRY mil 63.9 233 390 479    
Operating Profit TRY mil -1.26 -63.4 178 299    
Provisions TRY mil 18.7 73.6 162 233    
Extra and Other Cost TRY mil 0 0 < -0.001 < -0.001    
Pre-Tax Profit TRY mil -20.0 -137 16.7 66.5    
Tax TRY mil -0.163 -14.3 16.3 21.3    
Net Profit TRY mil -19.8 -123 0.335 45.2    
growth rates            
Net Interest Income Growth % ... 287 352 57.0    
Net Fee Income Growth % ... 19.1 541 117    
Total Revenue Growth % ... 172 234 36.8    
Operating Cost Growth % ... 265 67.2 22.7    
Operating Profit Growth % ... 4,930 -382 67.5    
Pre-Tax Profit Growth % ... 585 -112 299    
Net Profit Growth % ... 519 -100 13,415    
market share            
Market Share in Revenues % 0.086 0.211 0.639 0.784   ...
Market Share in Net Profit % ... ... 0.001 0.176   ...
Market Share in Employees % 0.213 0.560 0.691 0.764    
Market Share in Branches % 0.059 0.336 0.428 0.491   ...
balance sheet Unit 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
balance sheet            
Cash TRY mil 411 1,794 2,831 4,075    
Interbank Loans TRY mil 389 1,160 3,248 4,097    
Customer Loans TRY mil 1,732 11,345 18,012 21,807    
Debt Securities TRY mil 1,023 1,518 1,166 1,486    
Fixed Assets TRY mil ... ... 174 242    
Total Assets TRY mil 3,634 16,110 25,622 32,083    
Shareholders' Equity TRY mil 514 1,331 1,337 1,347    
Liabilities TRY mil 3,120 14,779 24,285 30,736    
Interbank Borrowing TRY mil 0 223 139 156    
Customer Deposits TRY mil 2,517 12,372 21,061 25,334    
Issued Debt Securities TRY mil 725 2,580 1,190 1,465    
Other Liabilities TRY mil -121 -396 1,894 3,781    
asset quality            
Non-Performing Loans TRY mil 0 46.6 265 487    
Gross Loans TRY mil 974 5,329 7,787 7,538    
Total Provisions TRY mil 0 8.84 108 188    
growth rates            
Customer Loan Growth % ... 555 58.8 21.1    
Total Asset Growth % ... 343 59.0 25.2    
Shareholders' Equity Growth % ... 159 0.468 0.739    
Customer Deposit Growth % ... 392 70.2 20.3    
market share            
Market Share in Customer Loans % 0.236 1.17 1.57 1.58    
Market Share in Total Assets % 0.280 0.985 1.36 1.43    
Market Share in Customer Deposits % 0.347 1.38 2.11 2.16    
ratios Unit 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
ROE % -3.86 -13.3 0.025 3.37    
ROA % -0.545 -1.24 0.002 0.157    
Costs (As % Of Assets) % 1.76 2.36 1.87 1.66    
Costs (As % Of Income) % 102 137 68.6 61.6    
Capital Adequacy Ratio % 36.4 15.6 13.7 12.2    
Tier 1 Ratio % ... ... ... ...    
Net Interest Margin % 0.881 1.25 2.68 3.04    
Interest Spread % ... 0.754 2.35 2.83    
Asset Yield % 1.23 6.10 7.57 7.33    
Cost Of Liabilities % ... 5.35 5.22 4.50    
Interest Income (As % Of Revenues) % 51.2 72.8 98.3 113    
Fee Income (As % Of Revenues) % 8.54 3.75 7.18 11.4    
Other Income (As % Of Revenues) % 40.3 23.4 -5.50 -24.2    
Cost Per Employee USD per month 3,251 3,312 3,807 4,674    
Cost Per Employee (Local Currency) TRY per month 5,852 6,315 8,541 12,262    
Staff Cost (As % Of Total Cost) % 43.5 35.9 36.5 47.3    
Equity (As % Of Assets) % 14.1 8.26 5.22 4.20    
Loans (As % Of Deposits) % 68.8 91.7 85.5 86.1    
Loans (As % Assets) % 47.7 70.4 70.3 68.0    
NPLs (As % Of Loans) % 0 0.875 3.41 6.46    
Provisions (As % Of NPLs) % ... 19.0 40.7 38.6    
Provisions (As % Of Loans) % 0 0.078 0.600 0.862    
Cost of Provisions (As % Of Loans) % 1.08 1.13 1.10 1.17    
other data Unit 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
other data            
Branches 6.00 37.0 48.0 55.0   ...
Employees 396 1,105 1,388 1,538    
ATMs ... ... ... ... ...  

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Odea Bank's net profit rose 69.5% to TRY 310 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - June 25, 2018

Odea Bank made a net profit of TRY 310 mil in 2017, up 69.5% compared to the previous year. This implies a return on equity of 8.62%. Historically, the bank’s net profit reached an all time high of TRY 310 mil in 2017 and an all time low of TRY -123 mil in ...

Odea Bank's net interest margin rose 23.3% to 3.69% in 2017

By Helgi Library - June 25, 2018

Odea Bank's net interest margin amounted to 3.69% in 2017, up from 2.99% compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s net interest margin reached an all time high of 3.69% in 2017 and an all time low of 1.25% in 2013. The average margin in th...

Odea Bank's net interest margin rose 23.3% to 3.69% in 2017

By Helgi Library - June 25, 2018

Odea Bank's net interest margin amounted to 3.69% in 2017, up from 2.99% compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s net interest margin reached an all time high of 3.69% in 2017 and an all time low of 1.25% in 2013. The average margin in th...

Odea Bank's customer loans fell 14.4% to TRY 22,632 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - December 12, 2019

Odea Bank's customer loans reached TRY 22,632 mil in 2017, down 14.4% compared to the previous year. Turkish banking sector provided customer loans of TRY 2,209 bil in 2017, up 20.6% when compared to the last year. Odea Bank accounted for 1.16% of all cus...

Odea Bank's customer loans fell 14.4% to TRY 22,632 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - December 12, 2019

Odea Bank's customer loans reached TRY 22,632 mil in 2017, down 14.4% compared to the previous year. Turkish banking sector provided customer loans of TRY 2,209 bil in 2017, up 20.6% when compared to the last year. Odea Bank accounted for 1.16% of all cus...

Odea Bank's customer deposits fell 18.3% to TRY 23,910 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - December 12, 2019

Odea Bank's customer deposits reached TRY 23,910 mil in 2017, down 18.3% compared to the previous year. Turkish banking sector accepted customer deposits of TRY 1,670 bil in 2017, up 17.8% when compared to the last year. Odea Bank accounted for 1.48% of a...

Odea Bank's customer deposits fell 18.3% to TRY 23,910 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - December 12, 2019

Odea Bank's customer deposits reached TRY 23,910 mil in 2017, down 18.3% compared to the previous year. Turkish banking sector accepted customer deposits of TRY 1,670 bil in 2017, up 17.8% when compared to the last year. Odea Bank accounted for 1.48% of a...

Odea Bank's net interest income rose 25.1% to TRY 1,316 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - June 25, 2018

Odea Bank generated total banking revenues of TRY 1,445 mil in 2017, up 8.91% compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s revenues containing of interest, fee and other non-interest income reached an all time high of TRY 1,445 mil in 2017 and an all...

Odea Bank's net interest income rose 25.1% to TRY 1,316 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - June 25, 2018

Odea Bank generated total banking revenues of TRY 1,445 mil in 2017, up 8.91% compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s revenues containing of interest, fee and other non-interest income reached an all time high of TRY 1,445 mil in 2017 and an all...

Odea Bank's customer loan growth fell 168% to -14.4% in 2017

By Helgi Library - June 25, 2018

Odea Bank's customer loan growth reached -14.4% in 2017, down from 21.3% compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s loans growth reached an all time high of 555% in 2013 and an all time low of -14.4% in 2017. In the last decade, the average a...

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Odea Bank has been growing its revenues and asset by 36.5% and 8.92% a year on average in the last 3 years. Its loans and deposits have grown by 7.91% and 4.32% a year during that time and loans to deposits ratio reached 94.7% at the end of 2017. The company achieved an average return on equity of 6.54% in the last three years with net profit growing 875% a year on average. In terms of operating efficiency, its cost to income ratio reached 49.4% in 2017, compared to 52.1% average in the last three years.

Equity represented 11.4% of total assets or 16.6% of loans at the end of 2017. Odea Bank's non-performing loans were 17.6% of total loans while provisions covered some 41.4% of NPLs at the end of 2017.