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Alior Bank - Quarterly Profitability

Net Profit (PLN mil) & ROE (%)
Banking | Poland | November 2, 2023
Excel Sheet

Alior Bank made a net profit of PLN 572 mil in the third quarter of 2023, up 1% when compared to the same period of last year. This implies a return on equity of 28.1%.

Historically, the bank’s net profit reached an all time high of PLN 572 mil in 3Q2023 and an all time low of PLN -585 mil in 2Q2020. The average profit in the last six quarters amounted to PLN 326 mil.

The bank generated its shareholders an average return on equity of 8.15% in the last five years with maximum at 28.1% and minimum at -35.5%.

When compared to bank's main peers, ING Bank Slaski generated a net profit of PLN 1,162 mil with ROE of 33.0% in 3Q2023.

You can see all the bank’s data at Alior Bank profile, or you can download a report on the bank in the report section.