VTB Bank OAO is the second largest commercial bank in Russia. The Bank offers a variety of services like deposit taking, commercial lending, support of clients' export and import transactions, securities trading, foreign exchange or trading in derivative instruments. It also provides services to its retail and corporate customers in Commonwealth of Independent States, Asia, Europe and Africa. At the end of 2013, the Bank operated a network of 2,600 branches and 12,100 ATMs and employed over 103,000 people. It holds around 15% share of Russia's total banking assets, 9% market share in retail deposits and 13% in retail loans. The Russian government owns 60.9% of VTB Bank’s equity.
This report offers a summary of the company's performance in 2001-2013. You will find here all the key numbers from the bank's balance sheet, income statement and all the main ratios related to the bank's business.
In addition, we provide an overview of the bank's market position on the Russian banking market