Prazska Plynarenska at a Glance

Language: English
Company: Prazska Plynarenska
Provider: Helgi Library
Pages: 6

Pražská plynárenská, a.s. is the regional natural gas distributor in the capital city of the Czech Republic, Prague. The Company offers a range of supplementary services and products such as maintenance, repair, and construction of gas facilities, researching the causes of losses of natural gas, measurement and metrology in the gas industry and others. The Company supplies natural gas to almost 422,000 customers in Prague and its surroundings. Since 2012, the Company offers natural gas along with electricity all around the Czech Republic. The Company was established in 1993 when the privatisation of Czech gas industry began, but its history dates back to 1847, when the first gasworks was brought into operation in the suburb of Karlín for public lighting of Prague’s streets. Thanks to this the first of more than 200 gas lamps were lit in the streets of Prague.

This report offers a summary of the company's performance in 2000-2012. You will find here all the key numbers from the company's balance sheet, income statement and cash flow on the annual basis.

Energy & Utility | Czechia | January 03, 2014
Excel Sheet, 6 pages