MOL (Magyar Olaj- es Gazipari Nyrt) is an integrated oil and gas group in Hungary. The company is present in the Europe, the Middle East and Africa region, as also in the CIS countries, with interests in exploration, production, refining, marketing and petrochemicals. The Company employed nearly 30,000 people and operated 1,748 filling stations internationally at the end of 2012 and is the market leader in Hungary and Slovakia. The Company's core activities include exploration and production of crude oil, natural gas and gas products; refining, transportation, storage and distribution of crude oil products at both retail and wholesale; transmission of natural gas; production and sales of olefins and polyolefins; production of electricity and thermal energy from gas and renewable resources. Hungarian State remains the single biggest shareholder holding a 27.3% stake in the Company.
This report offers a summary of the company's performance in 1999-2012. You will find here all the key numbers from the company's balance sheet, income statement and cash flow on the annual basis