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» Telcos & Hi-Tech
Telcos & Hi-Tech in World
ARPU from Fixed and Mobile Telephony (USD)
ARPU from Fixed Telephony (USD)
ARPU from Mobile Telephony (USD)
Cable Television Subscribers
Cable Television Subscribers (As % of Population)
Cable Television Subscribers Per Household
Calls from Fixed to Mobile Networks (Minutes)
Calls from Mobile to Fixed Networks (Minutes)
Calls Within Mobile Networks (Minutes)
Fixed Broadband Internet Lines Per Household
Fixed Broadband Internet Penetration Based on Connections (As % of Population)
Fixed Broadband Internet Penetration Based on Subscribers (As % of Population)
Fixed Broadband Internet Subscribers
Fixed Line Penetration (As % of Population)
Fixed Line Telecommunication Revenues (USD)
Fixed Lines Per Household
Hi-Tech Exports (USD)
High-Tech Exports (As % of GDP)
High-Tech Exports (As % of Total Exports)
Households with Access to a Computer at Home
Households with Broadband Access
Internet Users (As % of Population)
Market Share of Incumbent Fixed Line Operator (Local & National Calls)
Market Share of the Largest Mobile Operator
Minutes Spent on Calling In All Telephone Networks Per Capita
Minutes Spent on Calling Through VoIP Per Capita
Minutes Spent on the Phone Per Fixed Line User
Minutes Spent on the Phone Per Mobile Phone User
MMS Per Mobile User
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions
Mobile Phone Penetration (As % of Population)
Mobile Telecommunication Revenues (USD)
Mobile Termination Rates (Local Currency)
Mobile Termination Rates (MTR)
Number Minutes Spent in All Telephone Networks
Number Minutes Spent in Fixed Line Network
Number Minutes Spent in Mobile Phone Network
Number Minutes Spent in VoIP Calls
Number of Cable Operators
Number of Cellular Mobile Operators
Number of Fixed Broadband Internet Connections
Number of Fixed Lines
Number of Fixed Network Operators
Number of Internet Service Providers
Number of Internet Users
Number of MMS
Number of Personal Computers
Number of SMS
Number of UMTS Operators
Patent Applications (Non-Residents)
Patent Applications (Residents)
Personal Computers Penetration (As % of Population)
Personal Computers Per Household
Prices of Telecommunication (10-Minute Inland Long-Distance Calls)
Prices of Telecommunication (10-Minute Local Calls)
Prices of Telecommunication (International Call to USA, 10 Minutes)
R&D Expenditures (As % of GDP)
Researchers In R&D Per mil of People
Scientific and Technical Journal Articles
Secure Internet Servers
Secure Internet Servers (Per 1 mil People)
Share of Population Using Internet
SMS Per Mobile User
Technicians In R&D (per million People)
Telecommunication Employees
Telecommunication Revenues (USD)
Telecommunication Revenues Per Capita (USD)
Trademark Applications (Direct Non-resident)
Trademark Applications (Direct Resident)
Trademark Applications (Madrid)
Trademark Applications (Total)