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United Kingdom
» Transport
Transport in United Kingdom
Air Transport (Passengers Carried)
Air Transport - Freight and mail loaded (tonnes)
Air Transport - Freight and mail loaded and unloaded (tonnes)
Air Transport - Freight and mail on board (Arrivals, tonnes)
Air Transport - Freight and mail on board (departures, tonnes)
Air Transport - Freight and Mail on Board (tonnes)
Air Transport - Freight and Mail unloaded (tonnes)
Air Transport Freight (mil tonne-km)
Bicycle Sales
Bicycle Sales (USD mil)
Commercial Passenger Air Flights (Arrivals)
Commercial Passenger Air Flights (Arrivals) - National Transport
Commercial Passenger Air Flights (Departures)
Commercial Passenger Air Flights (Departures)
Commercial Passenger Air Flights (Departures) - National Transport
Commercial Passenger Air Flights (Total)
Commercial Passenger Air Flights - National Transport
Diesel Passenger Cars (As % of Total Cars)
Electrified Rail Lines (km)
End-of-life vehicles: Detailed data - Tonne - Total Waste - Waste generated
End-of-life vehicles: Reuse, recycling and recovery, Totals - Number - Waste generated
Freight and Mail Air Transport Unloaded (Tonnes)
Freight and Mail Commercial Air Flights (Arrivals)
Freight and mail commercial air flights (arrivals) - International Transport
Freight and Mail Commercial Air Flights (Arrivals) - National Transport
Freight and Mail Commercial Air Flights (Departures)
Freight and mail commercial air flights (departures) - International Transport
Freight and Mail Commercial Air Flights (Departures) - National Transport
Freight and Mail commercial Air Flights (Total)
Freight and mail commercial air flights (Total) - International Transport
Freight and Mail Commercial Air Flights - National Transport
Freight and Mail Commercial Air Flights - National Transport
Freight and Mail Loaded - International Air Transport
Freight and Mail Loaded - National Air Transport
Freight and Mail Loaded and Unloaded (tonnes) - National Transport
Freight and Mail Loaded and Unloaded - International Air Transport
Freight and Mail Loaded and Unloaded - National Air Transport
Freight and Mail on Board (Arrivals) - International Air Transport
Freight and Mail on Board (Arrivals) - National Transport
Freight and Mail on Board (Departures) - International Air Transport
Freight and Mail on Board (Departures) - National Transport
Freight and mail on board (tonnes) - National Transport
Freight and Mail on Board (tonnes) - National Transport
Freight and Mail on Board - International Air Transport
Freight and Mail Unloaded - National Air Transport
Injured in Road Traffic Accidents
Killed and Injured in Road Traffic Accidents
Killed In Road Traffic Accidents
Length of Motorways
Length of Other Roads
National Commercial passenger Air Flights (Total)
Number of Coaches, Buses & Trolleybuses
Number of Mopeds
Number of Motorcycles
Number of Passenger Cars
Number of Passenger Cars (Diesel Engine)
Number of Passenger Cars (Petrol Engine)
Number of Trams
Passenger Cars Per 1,000 People
Passenger trains movements by speed - Thousand train-kilometres - Total
Rail Lines (km)
Railway Passengers
Railway, Average Distance Travelled Per Passenger
Railways Passengers Carried (mil passenger-km)
Railways Transport Freight (mil tonne-km)
Total length of motorways - E-roads - Kilometre
Total length of motorways - Motorways - Kilometre