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» Telcos & Hi-Tech
Telcos & Hi-Tech in Ukraine
ARPU from Fixed and Mobile Telephony (USD)
Calls Within Mobile Networks (Minutes)
Fixed Broadband Internet Lines Per Household
Fixed Broadband Internet Penetration Based on Connections (As % of Population)
Fixed Broadband Internet Penetration Based on Subscribers (As % of Population)
Fixed Broadband Internet Subscribers
Fixed Line Penetration (As % of Population)
Gross domestic expenditure on research & development (As % of GDP) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Gross Domestic Expenditure on Research & Development (As % of GDP) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Hi-Tech Exports (USD)
Households with Access to a Computer at Home
Households with Broadband Access
Internet Users (As % of Population)
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Mobile Phone Penetration (As % of Population)
Number of Fixed Broadband Internet Connections
Number of Fixed Lines
Number of Fixed Lines at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Number of Fixed Network Operators
Number of Internet Users
Patent Applications (Non-Residents)
Patent Applications (Residents)
Personal Computers Per Household
R&D Expenditures (As % of GDP)
Researchers In R&D Per mil of People
Scientific and Technical Journal Articles
Secure Internet Servers
Secure Internet Servers (Per 1 mil People)
Share of Households with Internet Access at Home (Aged 16-74 years) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Share of Households with Internet Access at Home (Aged 16-74 years) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Technicians In R&D (per million People)
Telecommunication Revenues Per Capita (USD)
Tertiary Graduates in Science and Technology per 1,000 of population Aged 20-29 years (Female) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Tertiary graduates in science and technology per 1,000 of population aged 20-29 years (female) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Tertiary Graduates in Science and Technology per 1,000 of Population Aged 20-29 years (Male) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Tertiary graduates in science and technology per 1,000 of population aged 20-29 years (male) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Trademark Applications (Direct Non-resident)
Trademark Applications (Direct Resident)
Trademark Applications (Total)