Transport in
- Air Transport (Passengers Carried)
- Air Transport - Freight and mail loaded (tonnes)
- Air Transport - Freight and mail loaded and unloaded (tonnes)
- Air Transport - Freight and mail on board (Arrivals, tonnes)
- Air Transport - Freight and mail on board (departures, tonnes)
- Air Transport - Freight and Mail on Board (tonnes)
- Air Transport - Freight and Mail unloaded (tonnes)
- Air Transport Freight (mil tonne-km)
- Air Transport of Passengers (Eurostat)
- Bicycle Sales
- Bicycle Sales (USD mil)
- Commercial Aircraft Fleet (Total)
- Commercial Passenger Air Flights (Arrivals)
- Commercial Passenger Air Flights (Arrivals) - National Transport
- Commercial Passenger Air Flights (Departures)
- Commercial Passenger Air Flights (Departures)
- Commercial Passenger Air Flights (Departures) - National Transport
- Commercial Passenger Air Flights (Total)
- Commercial Passenger Air Flights - National Transport
- Diesel Passenger Cars (As % of Total Cars)
- Electrified Rail Lines (km)
- Employment in Airport Enterprises (Total)
- Employment in Aviation Enterprises (Females)
- Employment in Aviation Enterprises (Males)
- Employment in Aviation Enterprises (Total)
- End-of-life vehicles: Detailed data - Tonne - Total Waste - Waste generated
- End-of-life vehicles: Reuse, recycling and recovery, Totals - Number - Waste generated
- Freight and Mail Air Transport Unloaded (Tonnes)
- Freight and Mail Commercial Air Flights (Arrivals)
- Freight and mail commercial air flights (arrivals) - International Transport
- Freight and Mail Commercial Air Flights (Arrivals) - National Transport
- Freight and Mail Commercial Air Flights (Departures)
- Freight and mail commercial air flights (departures) - International Transport
- Freight and Mail Commercial Air Flights (Departures) - National Transport
- Freight and Mail commercial Air Flights (Total)
- Freight and mail commercial air flights (Total) - International Transport
- Freight and Mail Commercial Air Flights - National Transport
- Freight and Mail Commercial Air Flights - National Transport
- Freight and Mail Loaded - International Air Transport
- Freight and Mail Loaded - National Air Transport
- Freight and Mail Loaded and Unloaded (tonnes) - National Transport
- Freight and Mail Loaded and Unloaded - International Air Transport
- Freight and Mail Loaded and Unloaded - National Air Transport
- Freight and Mail on Board (Arrivals) - International Air Transport
- Freight and Mail on Board (Arrivals) - National Transport
- Freight and Mail on Board (Departures) - International Air Transport
- Freight and Mail on Board (Departures) - National Transport
- Freight and Mail on Board (tonnes) - National Transport
- Freight and mail on board (tonnes) - National Transport
- Freight and Mail on Board - International Air Transport
- Freight and Mail Unloaded - National Air Transport
- Injured in Road Traffic Accidents
- Killed and Injured in Road Traffic Accidents
- Killed In Road Traffic Accidents
- Length of Motorways
- Length of Motorways (Eurostat)
- Length of Other Roads
- National Commercial passenger Air Flights (Total)
- Number of Airport Enterprises
- Number of Aviation Enterprises
- Number of Coaches, Buses & Trolleybuses
- Number of Commercial Aircrafts (Total)
- Number of Commercial Aircrafts - Cargo Aircrafts
- Number of Commercial Aircrafts - Combi Aircrafts
- Number of Commercial Aircrafts - Other Aircrafts
- Number of Commercial Aircrafts - Passenger Aircrafts
- Number of Commercial Aircrafts - Quick Change Aircrafts
- Number of Commercial Aircrafts by Age (10-14 years old)
- Number of Commercial Aircrafts by Age (15-19 years old)
- Number of Commercial Aircrafts by Age (20 years or over)
- Number of Commercial Aircrafts by Age (5-9 years old)
- Number of Commercial Aircrafts by Age (Less than 5 years old)
- Number of Commercial Airports (15,000-150,000 passengers per year)
- Number of Commercial Airports (more than 15,000 passengers per year)
- Number of Commercial Airports (with more than 150,000 passengers per year)
- Number of Commercial Passenger Aircrafts by type (151-250 seats)
- Number of Commercial Passenger Aircrafts by type (51 to 150 seats)
- Number of Commercial Passenger Aircrafts by type (less than 50 seats)
- Number of Commercial Passenger Aircrafts by type (more than 250 seats)
- Number of Mopeds
- Number of Motorcycles
- Number of Passenger Cars
- Number of Passenger Cars (Diesel Engine)
- Number of Passenger Cars (Petrol Engine)
- Number of Trams
- Passenger Cars Per 1,000 People
- Passenger Cars Per Household
- Passenger trains movements by speed - Thousand train-kilometres - Total
- Passengers Carried by Public Transport (mil passengers-km)
- Rail Lines (km)
- Railway Passengers
- Railway, Average Distance Travelled Per Passenger
- Railways Passengers Carried (mil passenger-km)
- Railways Transport Freight (mil tonne-km)
- Total length of motorways - E-roads - Kilometre
- Total length of motorways - Motorways - Kilometre