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» Paper, Pulp & Forestry
Paper, Pulp & Forestry in Montenegro
Bleached Sulphate Pulp Production
Bleached Sulphite Pulp Production
Chemical Wood Pulp Production
Coated Papers Production
Dissolving Wood Pulp
Exports of Paper Products (Other paper and paperboard n.e.s.)
Fibreboard Production
Folding Boxboard Production
Forest Land Area
Forest Land Area (As % of Country Land Area)
Forest Land Area (forests and other wooded land)
Forest Land Area (Forests available for wood supply)
Forest Land Area (Other wooded land)
Forest Land Area (Total)
Forest Land Area (without water bodies)
Forest Land Per Capita
Forest Rents (As % of GDP)
Hardboard Production
Household and Sanitary Paper Production
Imports of Paper Products (Other paper and paperboard n.e.s.)
Industrial Roundwood Production
Insulating Board Production
Mechanical Wood Pulp Production
Medium Density Fibreboard Production (MFD)
Newsprint Paper Production
Paper and Board Production (Excl. Newsprint)
Paper and Paperboard Production
Paper and Paperboard Production (Other paper and paperboard n.e.s.)
Particle Board Production
Plywood Production
Production of Case Materials
Production of Printing and Writing Paper
Production of Pulp for Paper
Production of Pulpwood, Round & Split
Production of Sawlogs and Veneer Logs
Production of Wood-Based Panels
Recovered Fibre Pulp Production
Recovered Paper Production
Roundwood Production
Roundwood Production (Under bark, Other industrial roundwood, Non-coniferous)
Semi-Chemical Wood Pulp Production
Timber Removals
Timber Removals Per Capita
Total Fibre Furnish Production
Total Sawnwood Production
Unbleached Sulphate Pulp Production
Unbleached Sulphite Pulp Production
Veneer Sheets Production
Wood Charcoal Production
Wood Fuel Production
Wood Pulp Production
Wood Pulp Production (Excl. Mechanical)
Wood Residues Production
Wood volume (Fellings in forests available for wood supply)
Wood volume (Fellings in percent of net increment)
Wood volume (Growing stock in forests and on other wooded land)
Wood volume (Growing stock in forests available for wood supply)
Wood volume (Growing stock of forests)
Wood volume (Growing stock of other wooded land)
Wood volume (Increment in forests available for wood supply)
Wrapping Paper Production