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» Energy & Utility
Energy & Utility in Macedonia
Access to Electricity (As % of Population)
CO2 Emissions (kg Per PPP USD of GDP)
CO2 Emissions (Total)
CO2 Emissions from Gaseous Fuel Consumption
CO2 Emissions from Gaseous Fuel Consumption (As % of Total)
CO2 Emissions from Solid Fuel Consumption
CO2 Emissions from Solid Fuel Consumption (As % of Total)
Combustible Renewables & Waste (As % of Total Energy)
Consumption of Electricity (GWh)
Domestic Freshwater Withdrawals (As % of Total)
Electric Power Consumption Per Capita
Electric Power Distribution & Transmission Losses
Electric Power Distribution & Transmission Losses (As % of Output)
Electric Power Production
Electric Power Production Per Capita
Electricity Distribution Losses (kWh)
Electricity Production (As % of Worldwide Production)
Electricity Production from Coal Sources (As % of Total)
Electricity Production from Hydro Sources
Electricity Production from Hydro Sources (As % of Total)
Electricity Production from Natural Gas Sources (As % of Total)
Electricity Production from Oil Sources (As % of Total)
Electricity Production from Oil, Gas & Coal Sources (As % of Total)
Electricity Production from Renewable Sources
Electricity Production from Renewable Sources (As % of Total)
Electricity Production from Renewable Sources (Excl. Hydro)
Electricity Production from Renewable Sources Excl. Hydro (As % of Total)
Electricity Production from Solar Photovoltaic
Electricity Production from Wind Power
Energy Imports (As % of Energy Use)
Energy Use (kg of Oil Equivalent Per Capita)
Energy Use (kg of Oil Equivalent) Per USD 1,000 of GDP
Energy Use (kg of Oil Equivalent) Per USD 1,000 of GDP (Constatnt 2011 PPP)
Environmental Tax Revenues - Energy taxes (As % of GDP)
Environmental Tax Revenues - Pollution taxes (As % of GDP)
Environmental Tax Revenues - Resource taxes (As % of GDP)
Environmental Tax Revenues - Taxes on Pollution/Resources (As % of GDP)
Environmental Tax Revenues - Total environmental taxes (As % of GDP)
Environmental tax revenues - Transport taxes (As % of GDP)
Fossil Fuel Consumption (As % of Total)
Freshwater Withdrawals (Total)
Freshwater Withdrawals from Agriculture
Freshwater Withdrawals from Agriculture (As % of Total)
Freshwater Withdrawals from Households
Freshwater Withdrawals from Households (As % of Total)
Freshwater Withdrawals from Industry
Freshwater Withdrawals from Industry (As % of Total)
Freshwater Withdrawals Per Household
GDP Per Unit of Energy Use (Constant PPP $ Per kg of Oil Equivalent)
GDP Per Unit of Energy Use (PPP $ Per kg of Oil Equivalent)
Generation of Hazardous and non-hazardous Waste
Generation of Hazardous Waste (Total)
Generation of Non-hazardous Waste (Total)
Geothermal, Biomass and Other Consumption
Hazardous Waste Deposit onto or into Land (As % of total)
Household Electric Power Consumption
Imports of Electricity (GWh) - Monthly
Imports of Natural Gas (TJ)
Inland Deliveries of Gas/Diesel Oil (kt)
Inland Deliveries of Motor Spirit (kt)
Municipal Waste (Composting and digestion)
Municipal Waste Generated
Municipal Waste Generated per Capita
Municipal Waste Landfill/Disposal
Municipal Waste Landfill/Disposal per Capita
Municipal Waste per Capita (Composting and digestion)
Municipal Waste Treatment
Municipal Waste Treatment per Capita
Non-hazardous Waste Deposit onto or into Land (As % of total)
Number of Wastewater Treatment Plants (Urban - primary treatment of plants)
Number of Wastewater Treatment Plants (Urban - secondary treatment of plants)
Number of Wastewater Treatment Plants (Urban - tertiary treatment of plants)
Number of Wastewater Treatment Plants (Urban - total of plants)
Production of Electricity (GWh)
Production of Natural Gas (TJ)
Refinery Output of Gas/Diesel Oil (kt)
Refinery Output of Motor Spirit (kt)
Renewable freshwater resources - Actual external inflow from neighbouring territories
Renewable freshwater resources - Actual external inflow from neighbouring territories per Capita
Renewable freshwater resources - Internal Flow
Renewable freshwater resources - Internal Flow per Capita
Renewable freshwater resources - Precipitation
Renewable freshwater resources - Precipitation per Capita
Renewable freshwater resources - Renewable freshwater resources
Renewable freshwater resources - Renewable freshwater resources per Capita
Renewable freshwater resources - Total actual outflow
Renewable freshwater resources - Total actual outflow into neighbouring territories
Renewable freshwater resources - Total actual outflow into neighbouring territories per Capita
Renewable freshwater resources - Total actual outflow per Capita
Renewable Internal Freshwater Withdrawals
Renewable Internal Freshwater Withdrawals (As % of Total)
Renewable Internal Freshwater Withdrawals Per Capita
Solar Capacity (Cumulative Installed Photovoltaic Power)
Solar Electricity Net Generation (kWh)
Total Consumption of Natural Gas (TJ)
Total Electricity Exports (Btu)
Total Electricity Exports (kWh)
Total Electricity Exports (TJ)
Total Electricity Imports (Btu)
Total Electricity Imports (kWh)
Total Electricity Imports (mt of oil equivalent)
Total Electricity Installed Capacity (kW)
Total Electricity Net Consumption (kWh)
Total Electricity Net Imports (TJ)
Total Waste Deposit onto or into Land (As % of total)
Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - primary treatment - Design capacity BOD5
Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - secondary treatment - Design capacity BOD5
Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - tertiary treatment - Design capacity BOD5
Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - total - Design capacity BOD5
Water Productivity (Constant PPP USD GDP Per Cubic Metre of Freshwater Withdrawals)
Water Use (Industry and construction)
Water Use (Manufacturing)
Water Use (Mining and quarrying)
Water Use (Production and distribution of electricity - for cooling purposes)
Water Use (Production and distribution of electricity)
Water Use in the Manufacturing (Basic metals)
Water Use in the Manufacturing (Coke and refined petroleum product; chemicals and chemical products and pharmaceuticals)
Water Use in the Manufacturing (Cooling purposes)
Water Use in the Manufacturing (Food products and beverages)
Water Use in the Manufacturing (Motor vehicles, trailers, semi-trailers and of other transport equipment)
Water Use in the Manufacturing (Other manufacturing)
Water Use in the Manufacturing (Paper and paper products)
Water Use in the Manufacturing (Textiles, wearing apparel, leather and related products)
Wind Capacity (Cumulative Installed Wind Turbine Capacity)