Paper, Pulp & Forestry in
- Bleached Sulphate Pulp Production
- Bleached Sulphite Pulp Production
- Chemical Wood Pulp Production
- Coated Papers Production
- Dissolving Wood Pulp
- Exports of Articles moulded or pressed from pulp (EUR)
- Exports of Articles moulded or pressed from pulp (Local Currency)
- Exports of Builder's joinery and carpentry of wood (EUR)
- Exports of Builder's joinery and carpentry of wood (Local Currency)
- Exports of Carbon paper and copying paper, ready for use (EUR)
- Exports of Carbon paper and copying paper, ready for use (Local Currency)
- Exports of Composite paper and paperboard (EUR)
- Exports of Composite paper and paperboard (Local Currency)
- Exports of Filter paper and paperboard, ready for use (EUR)
- Exports of Further processed sawnwood (EUR)
- Exports of Further processed sawnwood (Local Currency)
- Exports of Further processed sawnwood - coniferous (EUR)
- Exports of Further processed sawnwood - coniferous (Local Currency)
- Exports of Further processed sawnwood - non-coniferous (EUR)
- Exports of Further processed sawnwood - non-coniferous (Local Currency)
- Exports of Household and sanitary paper, ready for use (EUR)
- Exports of Household and sanitary paper, ready for use (Local Currency)
- Exports of Industrial Roundwood - Birch (Non-coniferous)
- Exports of Industrial Roundwood - Eucalyptus (Non-coniferous)
- Exports of Other articles of paper and paperboard, ready for use (EUR)
- Exports of Other articles of paper and paperboard, ready for use (Local Currency)
- Exports of Other manufactured wood products (EUR)
- Exports of Other manufactured wood products (Local Currency)
- Exports of Packaging cartons, boxes, etc. (EUR)
- Exports of Packaging cartons, boxes, etc. (Local Currency)
- Exports of Paper Products (Filter paper and paperboard, ready for use)
- Exports of Paper Products (Other paper and paperboard n.e.s.)
- Exports of Paper Products to Third Countries (Other paper and paperboard n.e.s.)
- Exports of Prefabricated buildings (EUR)
- Exports of Prefabricated buildings (Local Currency)
- Exports of Prefabricated buildings preponderantly made of wood (EUR)
- Exports of Printing and writing paper, ready for use (EUR)
- Exports of Printing and writing paper, ready for use (Local Currency)
- Exports of Secondary paper products (EUR)
- Exports of Secondary paper products (Local Currency)
- Exports of Secondary wood products (EUR)
- Exports of Secondary wood products (Local Currency)
- Exports of Special coated paper and pulp products (EUR)
- Exports of Special coated paper and pulp products (Local Currency)
- Exports of Wood Products (Prefabricated buildings preponderantly made of wood)
- Exports of Wood products for domestic/decorative use (EUR)
- Exports of Wood products for domestic/decorative use (Local Currency)
- Exports of Wooden furniture (EUR)
- Exports of Wooden furniture (Local Currency)
- Exports of Wooden wrapping and packaging material (EUR)
- Exports of Wooden wrapping and packaging material (Local Currency)
- Fibreboard Production
- Folding Boxboard Production
- Forest Land Area
- Forest Land Area (As % of Country Land Area)
- Forest Land Area (forests and other wooded land)
- Forest Land Area (Forests available for wood supply)
- Forest Land Area (Other wooded land)
- Forest Land Area (Total)
- Forest Land Area (without water bodies)
- Forest Land Per Capita
- Forest Rents (As % of GDP)
- Forestry (Production value at producer price)
- Forestry (Production value at producer price, EUR mil)
- Forestry (Production value at producer price, PPP)
- Forestry and Logging (Annual work units)
- Forestry and Logging (Gross value added)
- Forestry and Logging (Net value added)
- Forestry and Logging (Total Output)
- Forestry and Logging - Compensation of employees (EUR)
- Forestry and Logging - Compensation of employees (Local Currency)
- Forestry and Logging - Gross value added (EUR)
- Forestry and Logging - Gross value added (Local Currency)
- Forestry and Logging - Net operating surplus and mixed income (EUR)
- Forestry and Logging - Net operating surplus and mixed income (Local Currency)
- Forestry and Logging - Output of forestry and connected secondary activities (EUR)
- Forestry and Logging - Output of forestry and connected secondary activities (Local Currency)
- Forestry goods output - Production value at basic price (EUR)
- Forestry goods output - Production value at basic price (Local Currency)
- Forestry goods output - Production value at basic price (Purchasing Power Parity)
- Hardboard Production
- Household and Sanitary Paper Production
- Imports of Articles moulded or pressed from pulp (EUR)
- Imports of Articles moulded or pressed from pulp (Local Currency)
- Imports of Builder's joinery and carpentry of wood (EUR)
- Imports of Builder's joinery and carpentry of wood (Local Currency)
- Imports of Carbon paper and copying paper, ready for use (EUR)
- Imports of Carbon paper and copying paper, ready for use (Local Currency)
- Imports of Composite paper and paperboard (EUR)
- Imports of Composite paper and paperboard (Local Currency)
- Imports of Filter paper and paperboard, ready for use (EUR)
- Imports of Further processed sawnwood (EUR)
- Imports of Further processed sawnwood (Local Currency)
- Imports of Further processed sawnwood - coniferous (EUR)
- Imports of Further processed sawnwood - coniferous (Local Currency)
- Imports of Further processed sawnwood - non-coniferous (EUR)
- Imports of Further processed sawnwood - non-coniferous (Local Currency)
- Imports of Household and sanitary paper, ready for use (EUR)
- Imports of Household and sanitary paper, ready for use (Local Currency)
- Imports of Industrial Roundwood - Birch (Non-coniferous)
- Imports of Industrial Roundwood - Eucalyptus (Non-coniferous)
- Imports of Other articles of paper and paperboard, ready for use (EUR)
- Imports of Other articles of paper and paperboard, ready for use (Local Currency)
- Imports of Other manufactured wood products (EUR)
- Imports of Other manufactured wood products (Local Currency)
- Imports of Packaging cartons, boxes, etc. (EUR)
- Imports of Packaging cartons, boxes, etc. (Local Currency)
- Imports of Paper Products (Filter paper and paperboard, ready for use)
- Imports of Paper Products (Other paper and paperboard n.e.s.)
- Imports of Paper Products from Third Countries (Other paper and paperboard n.e.s.)
- Imports of Prefabricated buildings (EUR)
- Imports of Prefabricated buildings (Local Currency)
- Imports of Prefabricated buildings preponderantly made of wood (EUR)
- Imports of Printing and writing paper, ready for use (EUR)
- Imports of Printing and writing paper, ready for use (Local Currency)
- Imports of Secondary paper products (EUR)
- Imports of Secondary paper products (Local Currency)
- Imports of Secondary wood products (EUR)
- Imports of Secondary wood products (Local Currency)
- Imports of Special coated paper and pulp products (EUR)
- Imports of Special coated paper and pulp products (Local Currency)
- Imports of Wood Products (Prefabricated buildings preponderantly made of wood)
- Imports of Wood products for domestic/decorative use (EUR)
- Imports of Wood products for domestic/decorative use (Local Currency)
- Imports of Wooden furniture (EUR)
- Imports of Wooden furniture (Local Currency)
- Imports of Wooden wrapping and packaging material (EUR)
- Imports of Wooden wrapping and packaging material (Local Currency)
- Industrial Roundwood Production
- Insulating Board Production
- Mechanical Wood Pulp Production
- Medium Density Fibreboard Production (MFD)
- Newsprint Paper Production
- Paper and Board Production (Excl. Newsprint)
- Paper and Paperboard Production
- Paper and Paperboard Production (Other paper and paperboard n.e.s.)
- Particle Board Production
- Plywood Production
- Production of Case Materials
- Production of Printing and Writing Paper
- Production of Pulp for Paper
- Production of Pulpwood, Round & Split
- Production of Sawlogs and Veneer Logs
- Production of Wood-Based Panels
- Protective Forest Land Area (Forest area with a protective function)
- Protective Forest Land Area (forests with infrastructure and managed natural resources functions)
- Protective Forest Land Area (Protective forests with soil, water and other ecosystem functions)
- Recovered Fibre Pulp Production
- Recovered Paper Production
- Roundwood Production
- Roundwood Production (Over bark, Other industrial roundwood, Non-coniferous)
- Roundwood Production (Under bark, Other industrial roundwood, Non-coniferous)
- Roundwood Production - Other Public (Under bark, Non-coniferous)
- Roundwood Production - Private (Under bark, Non-coniferous)
- Roundwood Production - State (Under bark, Non-coniferous)
- Semi-Chemical Wood Pulp Production
- Timber Removals
- Timber Removals Per Capita
- Total Fibre Furnish Production
- Total Sawnwood Production
- Unbleached Sulphate Pulp Production
- Unbleached Sulphite Pulp Production
- Veneer Sheets Production
- Wood Charcoal Production
- Wood Fuel Production
- Wood Pulp Production
- Wood Pulp Production (Excl. Mechanical)
- Wood Residues Production
- Wood volume (Fellings in forests available for wood supply)
- Wood volume (Fellings in percent of net increment)
- Wood volume (Growing stock in forests and on other wooded land)
- Wood volume (Growing stock in forests available for wood supply)
- Wood volume (Growing stock of forests)
- Wood volume (Growing stock of other wooded land)
- Wood volume (Increment in forests available for wood supply)
- Wrapping Paper Production