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» Law & Crime
Law & Crime in Djibouti
Adults Brought into Formal Contact with the Police or Criminal Justice System
Adults Convicted (All Crimes)
Burglaries & Breaking and Entering Recorded by the Police
Capacity Utilization of Adult Prisons, Penal or Correctional Institutions
Capacity Utilization of Juvenile Prisons, Penal or Correctional Institutions
Crimes Recorded by the Police
Crimes Recorded By The Police (Per 1,000 People)
Domestic Burglary and Housebreaking Recorded by the Police
Female Adults Brought into Formal Contact with the Police or Criminal Justice System
Female Intentional Homicide Victims (As % of Total)
Female Judges (As % of Total)
Homicide Victims Killed by Gangs or Organised Criminal Groups (As % of Total)
Homicide Victims Killed by Intimate Partners or Family Members (As % of Female Homicide Victims)
Homicide Victims Killed by Intimate Partners or Family Members (As % of Male Homicide Victims)
Homicide Victims Killed During a Robbery (As % of Total)
Intentional Homicide Victims Killed by Firearm (As % of Total)
Intentional Homicide Victims Killed by Other Weapon (As % of Total)
Intentional Homicide Victims Killed by Sharp Objects (As % of Total)
Intentional Homicides (per 100,000 inhabitants)
Juveniles Brought into Formal Contact with the Police or Criminal Justice System
Juveniles Convicted (All Crimes)
Male Adults Brought into Formal Contact with the Police or Criminal Justice System
Male Intentional Homicide Victims (As % of Total)
Motor Vehicle Thefts Recorded by the Police
Number of Assaults Recorded by the Police
Number of Drug-trafficking Crimes
Number of Female Judges
Number of Judges per 1 mil Inhabitants
Number of Kidnappings Recorded by the Police
Number of Male Judges
Number of Police Officers
Number of Rapes Recorded by the Police
Number of Robberies Recorded by the Police
Number of Sexual Offences Against Children Recorded by the Police
Number of Sexual Violence Recorded by the Police
Number of Thefts Recorded by the Police
Number of Total Violent Crimes
Official Capacity of Adult Prisons, Penal or Correctional Institutions
Official Capacity of Juvenile Prisons, Penal or Correctional Institutions
Persons Brought into Formal Contact with the Police or Criminal Justice System
Persons Brought into Formal Contact with the Police or Criminal Justice System for Rape
Prison Staff of Adult Prisons, Penal or Correctional Institutions
Prison Staff of Juvenile Prisons, Penal or Correctional Institutions
Thefts of Private Cars Recorded by the Police
Total Persons Brought to the Criminal Courts
Total Persons Convicted (All Crimes)
Total Persons Prosecuted (All Crimes)
Total Untried or Pre-trial Persons Held