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» Retail & Wholesale
Retail & Wholesale in Czechia
Business activity (sales) development in Retail Sales over the past 3 months
Business activity expectations in Retail Sales over the next 3 months
Consumers - Financial situation over the last 12 months
Consumers - Financial situation over the next 12 months
Consumers - General economic situation over the last 12 months
Consumers - General economic situation over the next 12 months
Consumers - Home improvements over the next 12 months
Consumers - Home improvements over the next 12 months
Consumers - Intention to buy a car within the next 12 months
Consumers - Intention to buy a car within the next 12 months
Consumers - Major purchases over the next 12 months
Consumers - Price trends over the last 12 months
Consumers - Price trends over the next 12 months
Consumers - Purchase or build a home within the next 12 months
Consumers - Purchase or build a home within the next 12 months
Consumers - Savings over the next 12 months
Consumers - Statement on financial situation of household
Consumers - The current economic situation is adequate for savings
Consumers - The current economic situation is adequate to make major purchases
Consumers - Unemployment expectations over the next 12 months
Employment Expectations in Retail Sales over the next 3 months
Expectations of the number of orders placed with suppliers in Retail Sales over the next 3 months
Retail Sale Growth - Automotive Fuel in Specialised Stores (Deflated, yoy)
Retail Sale Growth - Automotive Fuel in Specialised Stores (yoy)
Retail Trade Index (2010=100)
Volume of stocks currently hold in Retail Sales