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» Telcos & Hi-Tech
Telcos & Hi-Tech in Belarus
ARPU from Fixed and Mobile Telephony (USD)
Fixed Broadband Internet Lines Per Household
Fixed Broadband Internet Penetration Based on Connections (As % of Population)
Fixed Broadband Internet Penetration Based on Subscribers (As % of Population)
Fixed Broadband Internet Subscribers
Fixed Line Penetration (As % of Population)
Gross Domestic Expenditure on Research & Development (As % of GDP) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Gross domestic expenditure on research & development (As % of GDP) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Hi-Tech Exports (USD)
Households with Access to a Computer at Home
Households with Broadband Access
Internet Users (As % of Population)
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Mobile Phone Penetration (As % of Population)
Number of Fixed Broadband Internet Connections
Number of Fixed Lines
Number of Fixed Lines at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Number of Internet Users
Patent Applications (Non-Residents)
Patent Applications (Residents)
Personal Computers Per Household
Proportion of individuals aged 16 to 74 who access the Internet, on average, at least once a week at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Public Expenditure on Education (As % of GDP) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
R&D Expenditures (As % of GDP)
Researchers In R&D Per mil of People
Scientific and Technical Journal Articles
Secure Internet Servers
Secure Internet Servers (Per 1 mil People)
Share of Households with Internet Access at Home (Aged 16-74 years) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Share of Households with Internet Access at Home (Aged 16-74 years) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Telecommunication Revenues Per Capita (USD)
Tertiary graduates in science and technology per 1,000 of population aged 20-29 years (female) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Tertiary Graduates in Science and Technology per 1,000 of population Aged 20-29 years (Female) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Tertiary Graduates in Science and Technology per 1,000 of Population Aged 20-29 years (Male) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Tertiary graduates in science and technology per 1,000 of population aged 20-29 years (male) at the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
Trademark Applications (Direct Non-resident)
Trademark Applications (Direct Resident)
Trademark Applications (Total)