Labour in
- Average Annual Hours Actually Worked Per Worker
- Compensation of Employees (As % of Total Expenses)
- Compensation of Employees (Local Currency)
- Economic activity rate (15 - 64) - females at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Economic activity rate (15 - 64) - males at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Economic activity rate (15 - 64) at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Economic activity rate (20 to 64 years), females at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Economic activity rate (20 to 64 years), males at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Economic activity rate (20 to 64 years), total at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Employees In Industry, Female (As % of Female Employment)
- Employees In Industry, Male (As % of Male Employment)
- Employees In Services, Female (As % of Female Employment)
- Employees In Services, Male (As % of Male Employment)
- Employers, Female (As % of Employment)
- Employers, Male (As % of Employment)
- Employers, Total (As % of Employment)
- Employment In Agriculture (As % of Total Workforce)
- Employment in Agriculture (Forestry and Fishing) at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Employment in Construction at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Employment In Industry (As % of Total Workforce)
- Employment in Industry at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Employment In Services (As % of Total Workforce)
- Employment in Services at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Employment Rate (15 to 64 years) at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Employment Rate (15 to 64 years), Females at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Employment Rate (15 to 64 years), Males at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Employment rate (20 to 64 years), females at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Employment rate (20 to 64 years), males at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Employment rate (20 to 64 years), total at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Employment Rate of Older Workers (Females) at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Employment Rate of Older Workers (Males) at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Employment Rate of Older Workers at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Employment to Population Ratio (15+ Years Old, Female)
- Employment to Population Ratio (15+ Years Old, Male)
- Employment to Population Ratio (15+ Years Old, Total)
- Employment to Population Ratio (15-24 Years Old, Female)
- Employment to Population Ratio (15-24 Years Old, Male)
- Employment to Population Ratio (15-24 Years Old, Total)
- Female to Male Labour Participation Rate
- Gender Pay Gap (As % of Median Monthly Earnings)
- Gross Average Monthly Wage (Local Currency)
- Gross Average Monthly Wage (USD)
- Gross Average Monthly Wage at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries (Local currency)
- Index of real wages and salaries (2000=100) at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Job Vacancies
- Labour Force (Total)
- Labour Force to Population (Total)
- Labour Force with Primary Education (As % of Total Workforce)
- Labour Force with Primary Education, Female (As % of Female Workforce)
- Labour Force with Primary Education, Male (As % of Male Workforce)
- Labour Force with Secondary Education (As % of Total Workforce)
- Labour Force with Secondary Education, Female (As % of Female Workforce)
- Labour Force with Secondary Education, Male (As % of Male Workforce)
- Labour Force with Tertiary Education (As % of Total Workforce)
- Labour Force with Tertiary Education, Female (As % of Female Workforce)
- Labour Force with Tertiary Education, Male (As % of Male Workforce)
- Labour Force, Female (As % of Total Labour Force)
- Labour Participation Rate, Female (As % of Female Population Aged 15+Years Old)
- Labour Participation Rate, Male (As % of Male Population Aged 15+Years Old)
- Labour Participation Rate, Total (As % of Total Population Ages 15+)
- Long-Term Unemployed (As % of Total Unemployed)
- Long-Term Unemployed, Female (As % of Total Female Unemployed)
- Long-Term Unemployed, Male (As % of Total Male Unemployed)
- Long-term unemployment rate: females at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Long-term unemployment rate: males at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Minimum Monthly Wage (Local Currency)
- Minimum Wage (As % of Gross Wage)
- Monthly Minimum Wage (USD)
- Nominal Gross Wage Growth
- Nominal Gross Wage Growth (USD)
- Nominal Gross Wage Growth (USD-based)
- Number of Persons Employed
- Paid Maternity Leave
- Paid Paternity Leave
- Parental Leave with Job Protection
- Part-Time Employed (As % of Total Workforce)
- Part-Time Employment, Female (As % of Total Female Employment)
- Part-Time Employment, Male (As % of Total Male Employment)
- Postal Employees (As % of Total Workforce)
- Proportion of Seats Held by Women In National Parliaments
- Real Gross Wage Growth
- Real Gross Wage Growth (USD)
- Real Gross Wage Growth (USD-based)
- Registered Unemployed
- Self-Employed (As % of Total Workforce)
- Self-Employed, Female (As % of Female Workforce)
- Self-Employed, Male (As % of Male Workforce)
- Structural Unemployment Rate
- Telecommunication Employees (As % of Total Workforce)
- Total Duration of Maternity and Parental Leave
- Total employees (15-64 years) at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Total long-term unemployment rate at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Total Self-employed Persons (15-64 years) at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Total unemployment rate at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Total Unemployment Rate at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Trade Union Density
- Trade Union Members
- Unemployment Rate
- Unemployment Rate (Females) at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Unemployment Rate (Males) at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Unemployment rate - females at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Unemployment rate - males at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Unemployment Rate, Female (As % of Female Labour Force)
- Unemployment Rate, Male (As % of Male Labour Force)
- Unemployment rate: 25 years and over at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Unemployment rate: less than 25 years - female at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Unemployment rate: less than 25 years - male at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Unemployment rate: less than 25 years at European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
- Unemployment with Primary Education (As % of Total Unemployment)
- Unemployment with Tertiary Education (As % of Total Unemployment)
- Unemployment, Youth Female (As % of Female Labour Force Ages 15-24)
- Unemployment, Youth Male (As % of Male Labour Force Ages 15-24)
- Unemployment, Youth Total (As % of Total Labour Force Ages 15-24)
- Vulnerable Employment, Female (As % of Female Employment)
- Vulnerable Employment, Male (As % of Male Employment)
- Vulnerable Employment, Total (As % of Total Employment)
- Waged and Salaried Workers, Female (As % of Female Employed)
- Waged and Salaried Workers, Male (As % of Male Employed)
- Waged and Salaried Workers, Total (As % of Total Employed)