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Eltodo's Cash & Cash Equivalents rose 452% yoy to CZK 150 mil in 2015

By Helgi Library - April 2, 2020

Eltodo's total assets reached CZK 1,828 mil at the end of 2015, down 6.82% compared to the previous year. Current ...

Eltodo's Cash & Cash Equivalents rose 452% yoy to CZK 150 mil in 2015

By Helgi Library - April 2, 2020

Eltodo's total assets reached CZK 1,828 mil at the end of 2015, down 6.82% compared to the previous year. Current ...

Profit Statement 2013 2014 2015
Sales CZK mil 2,461 1,880 1,799
Gross Profit CZK mil 885 557 542
EBITDA CZK mil 259 102 -18.6
EBIT CZK mil 174 54.3 -65.9
Financing Cost CZK mil 24.8 28.6 -84.5
Pre-Tax Profit CZK mil 149 25.7 18.6
Net Profit CZK mil 105 25.7 6.51
Balance Sheet 2013 2014 2015
Total Assets CZK mil 2,348 1,962 1,828
Non-Current Assets CZK mil 668 638 693
Current Assets CZK mil 1,631 1,307 1,116
Working Capital CZK mil 633 481 297
Shareholders' Equity CZK mil 777 631 668
Liabilities CZK mil 1,571 1,331 1,160
Total Debt CZK mil 583 412 171
Net Debt CZK mil 451 385 20.4
Ratios 2013 2014 2015
ROE % 13.6 3.66 1.00
ROCE % 8.00 2.13 0.617
Gross Margin % 35.9 29.6 30.1
EBITDA Margin % 10.5 5.41 -1.03
EBIT Margin % 7.07 2.89 -3.66
Net Margin % 4.27 1.37 0.362
Net Debt/EBITDA 1.74 3.78 -1.10
Net Debt/Equity 0.580 0.610 0.031
Cost of Financing % 4.12 5.74 -29.0
Cash Flow 2013 2014 2015
Cash Conversion Cycle days 84.7 77.8 42.9
Cash Earnings CZK mil 190 73.2 53.9

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summary Unit 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
income statement                              
Sales CZK mil                 2,673 3,006 2,209 2,419 2,461    
Gross Profit CZK mil                 844 1,054 893 995 885    
EBIT CZK mil                 31.3 343 188 260 174    
Net Profit CZK mil                 -58.0 240 42.4 172 105    
ROE %                 -9.29 34.8 5.85 24.0 13.6    
EBIT Margin %                 1.17 11.4 8.51 10.7 7.07    
Net Margin %                 -2.17 7.99 1.92 7.12 4.27    
Employees ... ... ... ...         1,583 1,388 1,261 1,242 1,200    
balance sheet                              
Total Assets CZK mil                 2,471 2,408 2,348 2,359 2,348    
Non-Current Assets CZK mil                 909 965 846 718 668    
Current Assets CZK mil                 1,479 1,367 1,430 1,578 1,631    
Shareholders' Equity CZK mil                 597 782 668 764 777    
Liabilities CZK mil                 1,874 1,626 1,680 1,595 1,571    
Non-Current Liabilities CZK mil   ... ...           67.9 181 30.7 45.1 102    
Current Liabilities CZK mil                 624 603 663 853 849    
Net Debt/EBITDA                 7.48 2.23 4.91 1.32 1.74    
Net Debt/Equity                 1.43 1.21 1.97 0.584 0.580    
Cost of Financing % ...               5.92 7.06 6.38 4.05 4.12    
income statement Unit 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
income statement                              
Sales CZK mil                 2,673 3,006 2,209 2,419 2,461    
Cost of Goods & Services CZK mil                 1,829 1,952 1,316 1,424 1,576    
Gross Profit CZK mil                 844 1,054 893 995 885    
Staff Cost CZK mil                 601 584 601 597 611    
Other Cost CZK mil                 129 45.1 23.6 59.3 14.3    
EBITDA CZK mil                 114 425 269 339 259    
Depreciation CZK mil                 83.1 81.3 80.7 79.3 84.9    
EBIT CZK mil                 31.3 343 188 260 174    
Financing Cost CZK mil                 59.3 75.2 82.0 41.9 24.8    
Extraordinary Cost CZK mil                 0 -2.97 -0.001 0 0    
Pre-Tax Profit CZK mil                 -28.0 271 106 218 149    
Tax CZK mil                 26.8 28.9 62.1 42.9 39.1    
Minorities CZK mil                 3.14 2.12 1.49 2.53 5.15    
Net Profit CZK mil                 -58.0 240 42.4 172 105    
growth rates                              
Total Revenue Growth % ...               -17.6 12.5 -26.5 9.49 1.74    
Operating Cost Growth % ...               -3.79 -13.8 -0.749 5.05 -4.62    
EBITDA Growth % ...               6.78 271 -36.7 26.1 -23.6    
EBIT Growth % ...               87.5 996 -45.2 38.0 -32.9    
Pre-Tax Profit Growth % ...               -27.8 -1,068 -60.9 105 -31.4    
Net Profit Growth % ...               -18.1 -514 -82.3 306 -39.0    
ROE %                 -9.29 34.8 5.85 24.0 13.6    
ROCE % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... -3.71 17.0 3.15 12.4 8.00    
Gross Margin %                 31.6 35.1 40.4 41.1 35.9    
EBITDA Margin %                 4.28 14.1 12.2 14.0 10.5    
EBIT Margin %                 1.17 11.4 8.51 10.7 7.07    
Net Margin %                 -2.17 7.99 1.92 7.12 4.27    
Cost of Financing % ...               5.92 7.06 6.38 4.05 4.12    
Net Debt/EBITDA                 7.48 2.23 4.91 1.32 1.74    
balance sheet Unit 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
balance sheet                              
Non-Current Assets CZK mil                 909 965 846 718 668    
Property, Plant & Equipment CZK mil                 703 640 623 430 394    
Intangible Assets CZK mil                 16.8 7.95 4.10 4.54 8.48    
Current Assets CZK mil                 1,479 1,367 1,430 1,578 1,631    
Inventories CZK mil                 216 187 227 269 311    
Receivables CZK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   1,204 918 842 881 742    
Cash & Cash Equivalents CZK mil                 148 178 130 175 132    
Total Assets CZK mil                 2,471 2,408 2,348 2,359 2,348    
Shareholders' Equity CZK mil                 597 782 668 764 777    
Of Which Minority Interest CZK mil ... ... ...           0.804 1.47 1.90 6.13 10.4    
Liabilities CZK mil                 1,874 1,626 1,680 1,595 1,571    
Non-Current Liabilities CZK mil   ... ...           67.9 181 30.7 45.1 102    
Long-Term Debt CZK mil                 410 454 495 288 242    
Deferred Tax Liabilities CZK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   6.80 27.6 15.0 31.7 36.4    
Current Liabilities CZK mil                 624 603 663 853 849    
Short-Term Debt CZK mil                 594 670 953 333 342    
Trade Payables CZK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   742 830 459 545 420    
Provisions CZK mil                 168 164 122 140 67.3    
Equity And Liabilities CZK mil                 2,471 2,408 2,348 2,359 2,348    
growth rates                              
Total Asset Growth % ...               4.50 -2.57 -2.49 0.497 -0.504    
Shareholders' Equity Growth % ...               -8.22 30.9 -14.6 14.4 1.68    
Net Debt Growth % ...               -3.82 10.6 39.3 -66.2 1.12    
Total Debt Growth % ...               0.416 12.0 28.8 -57.1 -6.09    
Total Debt CZK mil                 1,004 1,124 1,448 621 583    
Net Debt CZK mil                 856 947 1,318 446 451    
Working Capital CZK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   678 275 610 605 633    
Capital Employed CZK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   1,587 1,240 1,456 1,323 1,301    
Net Debt/Equity                 1.43 1.21 1.97 0.584 0.580    
Cost of Financing % ...               5.92 7.06 6.38 4.05 4.12    
cash flow Unit 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
cash flow                              
Net Profit CZK mil                 -58.0 240 42.4 172 105    
Depreciation CZK mil                 83.1 81.3 80.7 79.3 84.9    
Days Sales Outstanding days ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   164 111 139 133 110    
Days Sales Of Inventory days                 43.1 35.0 62.9 68.9 71.9    
Days Payable Outstanding days ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   148 155 127 140 97.3    
Cash Conversion Cycle days ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   59.4 -8.71 74.7 62.1 84.7    
Cash Earnings CZK mil                 25.1 321 123 251 190    
other data Unit 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
other data                              
ROA %                 -2.40 9.84 1.78 7.32 4.46    
Gross Margin %                 31.6 35.1 40.4 41.1 35.9    
Employees ... ... ... ...         1,583 1,388 1,261 1,242 1,200    
Cost Per Employee USD per month ... ... ... ...         1,659 1,835 2,245 2,047 2,170    
Cost Per Employee (Local Currency) CZK per month ... ... ... ...         31,621 35,069 39,713 40,040 42,462    
Staff Cost (As % Of Total Cost) %                 22.7 21.9 29.7 27.6 26.7    
Effective Tax Rate %                 -95.8 10.7 58.6 19.7 26.2    

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Jun 2014
Company Report
Jun 2014
Statistical Dossier

Eltodo EG, a.s. is a Czech Republic-based electro-technical company. The Company is a supplier of comprehensive deliveries for electric power engineering and weak current engineering. Eltodo offers services, such as project design, delivery, manufacturing and assembly, renewal, maintenance and servicing for energy, transportation, telematics, industry, lighting, and telecommunications sectors; and power and heating plants, switching and transformer stations, industrial and manufacture energetic facilities, and civil engineering sectors. The Company also provides management and maintenance of equipment for motorways and roads, town roads, tunnels, airports, parking buildings and car parks. The Company was founded in 1991 and is active mainly on the Czech Republic's and Slovak markets.


Eltodo has been growing its sales by a year on average in the last 5 years. EBITDA has fallen by 104% during that time to total of CZK -18.6 mil in 2015, or -1.03% of sales. That’s compared to 8.21% average margin seen in last five years.

The company netted CZK 6.51 mil in 2015 implying ROE of 1.00% and ROCE of 0.617%. Again, the average figures were 9.64% and 5.26%, respectively when looking at the previous 5 years.

Eltodo’s net debt amounted to CZK 20.4 mil at the end of 2015, or 0.031 of equity. When compared to EBITDA, net debt was -1.10x, down when compared to average of 2.13x seen in the last 5 years.