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Whose Market Value was the Highest Among PX Index in 2017?

Top Companies by Market Capitalisation (USD mil)
Czechia | September 12, 2024
Excel Sheet

Based on a comparison of 8 firms among PX Index, CEZ had the highest market value at the end of 2017 followed by O2 Czech Republic and Philip Morris Czech Republic.

CEZ stock price closed the year 2017 at CZK 497. Since the end of 2012 the stock depreciated by 27.0% implying an annual average growth of -6.10%. In absolute terms, the value of the company fell by USD 35.1 mil.

Historically, the CEZ’s market capitalization reached an all time high of USD 40,616 mil in 2007 and an all time low of USD 1,211 mil in 1998.

At the end of 2017, the company traded at price to earnings of 14.1x and EV/EBITDA of 7.57x. Over the last five years, the firm generated its shareholders an average return on equity of 8.54%.

Comparing CEZ with its closest peers, O2 Czech Republic's market capitalization amounted to USD 4,038 mil and its stock traded at PE of 15.0x, Philip Morris Czech Republic had a market value of USD 2,140 mil trading at PE of 12.9x, Stock Spirits Group's market capitalization reached USD 723 mil (with PE of 53.2x).

You can see all the companies market capitalisation data on the Market Capitalisation indicator page or you can download a special statistical dossier on the PX Index in the reports section.