Based on a comparison of 10 banks among UniCredit New Europe, Yapi Kredi Bank produced the highest net profit in 2017, followed by UniCredit Bank Czecho-Slovakia and UniCredit Bank Russia.
Yapi Kredi Bank made a net profit of EUR 877 mil, up 2.95% compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s net profit reached an all time high of EUR 1,452 mil in 2012 and an all time low of EUR -964 mil in 2005. The average profit in the last five years amounted to EUR 968 mil.
The bank generated an average return on equity of 14.1% for its shareholders in the last five years with a maximum of 22.0% and a minimum of 11.8%.
Comparing Yapi Kredi Bank with its closest peers, UniCredit Bank Czecho-Slovakia generated a net profit of EUR 290 mil with a ROE of 11.0% in 2017, UniCredit Bank Russia netted EUR 271 mil (ROE of 9.46%) and UniCredit Bulbank announced a net profit of EUR 211 mil giving a ROE of 13.4%.
You can see all the banks net profit data on the Net Profit indicator page or you can download a report on the UniCredit New Europe banks in the reports section.