Based on a comparison of 11 firms among Czech Food Retailers, Ahold Czech Republic had the biggest debt relative to its equity at the end of 2017 followed by Lidl Czech Republic and Kaufland Czech Republic.
Ahold Czech Republic net debt reached CZK 5,202 mil. and accounted for 181% of equity at the end of 2017. The ratio is down 40.4% when compared to the previous year. Historically, the firm’s net debt to equity reached an all time high of 1,569% in 2009 and an all time low of 16.3% in 2004.
When compared to EBITDA, net debt amounted to 3.06x at the end of the year. The ratio reached an all time high of 64.6x in 2006 and an all time low of -9.27x in 2009.
Comparing Ahold Czech Republic with its closest peers, Lidl Czech Republic posted net debt to equity of 103% and 1.55x when compared to EBITDA at the end of 2017. Kaufland Czech Republic ended the year 2016 with a net debt at 86.8% of equity and 2.33x when compared to its EBITDA while Tesco Stores Czech Republic had net debt at 24.3% of equity and 0.939x to EBITDA at the end of the year.
You can see all the companies net debt/equity data on the Net Debt/Equity indicator page or you can download a special statistical dossier on the Czech Food Retailers in the reports section.