Who Was the Most Cost Efficient Among Indonesian Financials in 2018?

Top Banks by Costs As % Of Income
Indonesia | March 8, 2020
Excel Sheet

Based on a comparison of 20 banks among Indonesian Financials in 2018, BCA Finance was the most cost efficient bank, followed by Clipan Finance Indonesia and Federal International Finance.

BCA Finance's cost to income ratio reached 31.7% in 2018, up from 31.4% when compared to the last year. Historically, the bank’s costs reached an all time high of 34.4% in 2016 and an all time low of 25.8% in 2013.

When compared to total assets, bank's cost amounted to 1.39% in 2018, up from 10.8% a year earlier.

Comparing BCA Finance with its closest peers, Clipan Finance Indonesia operated in 2018 with a cost to income ratio of 35.4%, Federal International Finance reached 37.0% and Bank Central Asia some 43.7%.

You can see all the banks cost efficiency data on the Costs (As % Of Income) indicator page or you can download a report on the Indonesian Financials banks in the reports section.

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