Based on a comparison of 15 banks among Erste Bank Group in 2017, Stavebni Sporitelna Ceske Sporitelny was the most cost efficient bank, followed by Ceska Sporitelna and Erste & Steiermarkische Bank.
Stavebni Sporitelna Ceske Sporitelny's cost to income ratio reached 37.2% in 2017, up from 35.0% when compared to the last year. Historically, the bank’s costs reached an all time high of 65.4% in 2004 and an all time low of 16.2% in 2009.
When compared to total assets, bank's cost amounted to 1.39% in 2017, up from 0.523% a year earlier.
Comparing Stavebni Sporitelna Ceske Sporitelny with its closest peers, Ceska Sporitelna operated in 2017 with a cost to income ratio of 49.0%, Erste & Steiermarkische Bank reached 49.0% and Slovenska Sporitelna some 49.7%.
You can see all the banks cost efficiency data on the Costs (As % Of Income) indicator page or you can download a report on the Erste Bank Group banks in the reports section.