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Who Produces the Most Cars?

Production of Passenger Cars (thousand), 2023
Automotive | March 25, 2025
Excel Sheet

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Based on a comparison of 49 countries in 2023, China ranked the highest in production of passenger cars with 26,124 thousand followed by Japan and India. On the other end of the scale was Australia with 0 thousand, Belarus with 0 thousand and Egypt with 0 thousand.

Total production of passenger cars reached 68,020 thousand in 2023 in the World according to ACEA. This is 9.51 % more than in the previous year and 3.50 % more than 10 years ago.

Historically, total production of passenger cars reached an all time high of 73,457 thousand in 2017 and an all time low of 37,925 thousand in 1998. The average annual growth amounted to 2.22 % since 1957.

The top ranked country, China, accounted for 38.4 % of production of passenger cars in the world. The top 3 countries hold a 56.9 % share while the ten largest countries some 80.4 % in 2023.

Data for more countries are available at Production of Passenger Cars indicator page.

Production of Passenger CarsUnit
Brazil thousand
China thousand
Czechia thousand
France thousand
Germany thousand
India thousand
Indonesia thousand
Iran thousand
Japan thousand
Slovakia thousand
South Korea thousand
Spain thousand
Turkey thousand
USA thousand
United Kingdom thousand
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
2,269 2,388 2,448 1,607 1,708
24,807 23,529 21,390 19,994 21,445
1,414 1,437 1,428 1,153 1,105
1,748 1,773 1,663 927 919
5,646 5,120 4,664 3,515 3,096
3,953 4,032 3,629 2,837 3,631
982 1,056 1,046 551 890
1,419 1,027 770 826 838
8,348 8,359 8,329 6,960 6,619
1,002 1,093 1,108 991 1,030
3,735 3,662 3,613 3,212 3,163
2,291 2,267 2,248 1,801 1,662
1,143 1,027 983 855 783
3,033 2,785 2,512 1,924 1,563
1,671 1,519 1,303 921 860

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