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Which Country Sells the Most Passenger Cars?

Sales of Passenger Cars (thousand), 2021 or latest
Automotive | June 16, 2022
Excel Sheet

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Based on a comparison of 139 countries in 2021, China ranked the highest in sales of passenger cars with 20,178 thousand followed by Japan and USA. On the other end of the scale was Burundi with 0.010 thousand, Liberia with 0.068 thousand and Palestine with 0.109 thousand.

Data for more countries are available at Sales Of New Passenger Cars indicator page.

Sales Of New Passenger Cars Unit 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Australia thousand 927 916 874 799 677 ... ...
Brazil thousand 1,677 1,856 2,102 2,262 1,616 ... ...
China thousand ... ... ... 24,377 24,718 23,710 21,472 20,178 ... ...
France thousand 2,015 2,111 2,173 2,214 1,650
Germany thousand 3,352 3,441 3,436 3,607 2,918
India thousand ... ... ... 2,967 3,229 3,395 2,962 2,433 ... ...
Iran thousand ... ... ... 1,320 1,361 913 619 ... ... ...
Italy thousand 1,826 1,971 1,910 1,916 1,381
Japan thousand 4,146 4,386 4,391 4,301 3,810 ... ...
Russia thousand ... ... ... 1,240 1,449 1,607 1,568 1,434 ... ...
South Korea thousand 1,534 1,527 1,525 1,497 1,618 ... ...
Spain thousand 1,147 1,235 1,321 1,258 851
Turkey thousand 757 723 486 387 610 ... ...
USA thousand 6,873 6,080 5,304 4,720 3,402 ... ...
United Kingdom thousand 2,693 2,541 2,367 2,311 1,631

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