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Where Most Cars are Produced in the World?

Production of Cars as % of Worldwide Production (%), 2023
Automotive | March 25, 2025
Excel Sheet

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Based on a comparison of 49 countries in 2023, China ranked the highest in production of cars as a share of worldwide production with 38.4% followed by Japan and India. On the other end of the scale was Australia with 0%, Belarus with 0% and Egypt with 0%.

Data for more countries are available at Production of Cars (As % of Worldwide Production) indicator page.

Production of Cars (As % of Worldwide Production)Unit
Brazil %
China %
Czechia %
France %
Germany %
India %
Indonesia %
Iran %
Japan %
Slovakia %
South Korea %
Spain %
Turkey %
United Kingdom %
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
3.09% 3.39% 3.65% 2.88% 2.99%
33.8% 33.4% 31.9% 35.8% 37.6%
1.92% 2.04% 2.13% 2.06% 1.94%
2.38% 2.51% 2.48% 1.66% 1.61%
7.69% 7.26% 6.95% 6.29% 5.42%
5.38% 5.72% 5.41% 5.08% 6.36%
1.34% 1.50% 1.56% 0.987% 1.56%
1.93% 1.46% 1.15% 1.48% 1.47%
11.4% 11.9% 12.4% 12.5% 11.6%
1.36% 1.55% 1.65% 1.77% 1.80%
5.09% 5.19% 5.38% 5.75% 5.54%
3.12% 3.22% 3.35% 3.22% 2.91%
1.56% 1.46% 1.46% 1.53% 1.37%
4.13% 3.95% 3.74% 3.44% 2.74%
2.28% 2.16% 1.94% 1.65% 1.51%