What Banks in Bulgaria Had the Most ATMs in 2017?

Top Banks by Number of ATMs
Banking | Bulgaria | October 1, 2018
Excel Sheet

Based on a comparison of 6 banks in Bulgaria in 2017, DSK Bank operated the largest ATM network, followed by Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria and Central Cooperative Bank.

DSK Bank operated a network of 890 ATMs at the end of 2017. That's compared to 386 ATMs some 10 years ago.

Comparing DSK Bank with its closest peers, Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria operated a network of 585 ATMs in 2017, Central Cooperative Bank had 569 ATMs and D Commerce Bank had a network of 70.0 ATMs in 2017.

Bulgarian banks operated a network 5,773 ATMs in 2017. Total of 30,070 people worked for the banks in 2017.

You can see all the banks ATMs data on the ATMs indicator page or you can download a report on the Bulgarian banks in the report section.