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Modra Pyramida Stavebni Sporitelna - Revenue & Profitability

Net Profit (CZK mil) & Total Revenues (CZK mil)
Banking | Czechia | May 12, 2024
Excel Sheet

Modra Pyramida Stavebni Sporitelna made a net profit of CZK 290 mil under revenues of CZK 1,366 mil in 2023, up -33.1% and 15.2% respectively compared to the previous year.

Historically, the bank’s net profit reached an all time high of CZK 1,123 mil in 2012 and an all time low of CZK 32.1 mil in 2004. The average profit in the last five years amounted to CZK 444 mil.

On the other hand, bank’s revenues amounted to an all time high of CZK 1,985 mil in 2012 and an all time low of CZK 759 mil in 2001. The average revenues in the last five years reached CZK 1,247 mil.

Comparing Modra Pyramida Stavebni Sporitelna with its closest peers, CSOB Stavebni Sporitelna generated a net profit of CZK 993 mil with revenues of CZK 2,460 mil in 2023.

You can see all the bank’s data at Modra Pyramida Stavebni Sporitelna Profile, or you can download a report on the bank in the report section.