Isbank employed 24,836 persons in 2017, down 0.656% when compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank's workforce hit an all time high of 25,157 persons in 2015 and an all time low of 14,873 in 2002.
Average cost reached USD 4,069 per month per employee, 6.11% less than a year ago. This figure was USD 3,567 per month per month some 10 years ago.
Staff accounted for 34.7% of total operating expenditures in 2017. The bank operated a network of 1,364 branches in 2017.
Comparing Isbank with its closest peers, Yapi Kredi Bank had 18,839 employees and 897 branches in 2017, Garanti Bank operated with 18,851 people and 948 branches and VakifBank had a network of 927 branches with 16,097 employees in 2017.
You can see all the bank’s data at Isbank Profile, or you can download a report on the bank in the report section.