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Imports of Goods and Services (USD) rose 23.7% to USD 26,952,759 bil in the World in 2021

Imports of Goods and Services (USD) (USD bil), 2021
Economy | World | February 1, 2023
Excel Sheet

Imports of goods and services rose 23.7% to USD 26,952,759 bil in the World in 2021, according to the National Statistical Office.

Historically, imports of goods and services in the World reached an all time high of USD 26,952,759 bil in 2021 and an all time low of USD 157,769 bil in 1960. When compared to World's main peers, imports of goods and services in China amounted to USD 3,091,259 bil, USD 1,776,914 bil in Germany, USD 936,410 bil in Japan and USD 3,401,361 bil in USA in 2021.

World has been ranked th within the group of 151 countries we follow in terms of imports of goods and services.

Imports of Goods and Services (USD) Unit 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Austria USD bil 188,458 192,281 212,335 238,695 231,776
Belgium USD bil 353,165 372,450 412,988 453,194 438,172
Canada USD bil 534,115 517,396 554,923 589,502 583,642
China USD bil 2,003,257 1,944,484 2,208,504 2,564,105 2,496,148
France USD bil 760,029 762,974 830,791 913,321 888,231
Germany USD bil 1,320,387 1,342,708 1,479,077 1,637,908 1,594,826
India USD bil 465,097 480,169 582,018 640,301 602,315
Japan USD bil 799,672 763,175 829,947 922,228 908,592
Mexico USD bil 428,484 420,827 457,355 504,877 495,880
Poland USD bil 216,458 222,187 258,260 298,527 295,008
Russia USD bil 281,640 263,831 327,207 344,520 352,089
South Korea USD bil 529,773 502,105 587,637 642,946 602,460
USA USD bil 2,794,850 2,738,359 2,924,994 3,131,166 3,117,235
World USD bil 20,745,977 20,360,144 22,440,607 24,674,049 24,348,132