Polish banks' net interest margin increased by 0.294 bp to 3.36% of assets in 2Q2023 driven by a positive asset growth (6.71% yoy) and higher interest rates (up 5 bp to 6.90%). Asset yield grew by 1.52 bp to 5.90% and cost of funding increased by 1.34 bp to 2.76%. @AliorBankSA , @SantanderBankPL and @BankMillennium were operating with the highest net interest margin of around 5.0% thanks mainly to relatively higher asset yield.
Polish banks charged on average 6.83% on mortgage loans (compared to 8.64% on new ones), interest on consumer loans reached 11.4% (new at 12.2%) and corporate loans were priced at 8.83% (vs. 8.89%) in the second quarter of 2023.
For more details, please, see our blog or/and download the report for free of Polish banking in 2Q2023 at
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